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Provides the manifest for all venue images available for a given sport and provider.

Premier League Syntax

For the English Premier League, add the league parameter:{format}?api_key={your_api_key}

Data Points

Asset List:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
entityassetlistStringType of image entity
leagueassetlistStringName of league for a manifest
ex. mlb or nfl
manifest_dateassetlistStringTimestamp of the most recent published update to a manifest
providerassetlistStringNews image provider for a manifest
ap (Associated Press), getty (Getty), reuters (Reuters), usat (USA Today)
typeassetlistStringType of images in a manifest
ex. venue
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idassetGUIDUnique ID of an image
ex. ffb712cf-9773-437a-bb8b-7624962b50cc
copyrightassetStringCopyright ownership of an image
ex. Getty
createdassetStringTimestamp of a creation of an image
ex. 2022-10-06T15:01:48+00:00
descriptionassetStringText description of an image
ex. <![CDATA[Utah Jazz v Toronto Raptors]]>
titleassetStringTitle (or headline) of an image
ex. <![CDATA[Air Canada Centre]]>
updatedassetStringTimestamp of an update to an image
ex. 2022-10-06T15:02:21+00:00
venue_idassetGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of a venue
ex. 62cc9661-7b13-56e7-bf4a-bba7ad7be8da
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
heightlinkIntegerHeight in pixels of an image
ex. 5098
hreflinkStringHypertext reference used to create a downloadable URL to an image
ex. /venues/ffb712cf-9773-437a-bb8b-7624962b50cc/original.jpg
widthlinkIntegerWidth in pixels of an image
ex. 3399
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
namerefStringName of an image type (eg. event, player, team)
ex. Air Canada Centre
typerefStringImage type (eg. event, player, team)
primaryrefBooleanSignifies the image is the primary image for a venue
sportrefStringSport or league of an image
ex. nfl, mlb or soccer
sportradar_idref - entity_idGUIDUnique Sportradar ID of an image
ex. a7723160-10b7-4277-a309-d8dd95a8ae65
Reference Entities:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idref - entity_idGUIDUnique Sportradar ID used to link an image to a type (eg. event, player, team)
ex. 62cc9661-7b13-56e7-bf4a-bba7ad7be8da
originref - entity_idStringSource of the unique Sportradar ID used to link an image to a type (eg. event, player, team)
SR = Sportradar General Sport IDs such as sr:match:33623381; SD = Sportradar League Specific IDs such as 20ef56e1-8c82-4f96-84b0-3ce79f1a1a31
sportref - entity_idStringSport or league of a source ID
ex. nfl, mlb or soccer
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
provider_item_idproviderStringProvider asset ID
ex. 19295403
nameproviderStringNews provider for an image
ap (Associated Press), getty (Getty), reuters (Reuters), usat (USA Today)
original_publishproviderStringOriginal publish timestamp of an image
ex. 2023-07-05T01:35:33+00:00

Image Retrieval Example

To find the latest venue image for AT&T Stadium in Dallas:

1: Reference the Coverage document for the proper provider. In this case, NFL venues are provided by USA Today and the Associated Press.

2: Ensure you have the correct API key to retrieve this image. Trial keys will require a t in the access_level parameter; production keys will use a p.

3: Call the Venue Manifest using your AP (or USA Today) NFL Headshot (or Action Shot) API key, and with ap (or usat) in the provider parameter. Note that both headshot and action shot keys will return data for venues.**your_api_key**

4: Locate the asset id and/or link for AT&T Stadium.

<asset id="0567ff24-fe88-4fa5-a7ff-d889016a8b37" created="2018-06-07T17:33:24+00:00" updated="2018-06-07T17:33:29+00:00" venue_id="1e84213a-ff1f-4c9d-a003-8ee782b25a40">
            <![CDATA[AT&T Stadium]]>
        <copyright>Associated Press</copyright>
            <link width="4256" height="2832" href="/venues/0567ff24-fe88-4fa5-a7ff-d889016a8b37/original.jpg"/>
            <link width="250" height="166" href="/venues/0567ff24-fe88-4fa5-a7ff-d889016a8b37/h250-max-resize.jpg"/>
            <link width="1000" height="665" href="/venues/0567ff24-fe88-4fa5-a7ff-d889016a8b37/h1000-max-resize.jpg"/>
            <link width="500" height="333" href="/venues/0567ff24-fe88-4fa5-a7ff-d889016a8b37/h500-max-resize.jpg"/>
            <ref name="AT&amp;T Stadium" type="venue" sport="nfl" sportradar_id="1e84213a-ff1f-4c9d-a003-8ee782b25a40" primary="true">
                <entity_id origin="SD" id="1e84213a-ff1f-4c9d-a003-8ee782b25a40" sport="nfl"/>
        <provider name="ap">

5: Select the size of image desired within the link attribute and use this href file_name in your next call to the Venue Image endpoint.**your_api_key**

The image for AT&T Stadium is downloaded.

For pre-built requests for all of our Images collections, feel free to browse and fork our Postman workspace:

Logo Image Request

To find the latest logo for the Golden State Warriors:

1: Reference the Coverage document for the proper provider. In this case, NBA logos are provided by the Associated Press.

2: Ensure you have the correct API key to retrieve this image. Trial keys will require a t in the access_level parameter; production keys will use a p.

3: Call the Logo Manifest using your AP NBA Logo API key, and with ap in the provider parameter. Note that the trial syntax omits the year parameter.

Production Syntax:

curl -X GET "{your_api_key}"

Trial Syntax:

curl -X GET "{your_api_key}"

4: Locate the asset id and/or link for Golden State.

    <asset id="4ffaf698-7247-46bd-b6e8-c3a98223b48f" created="2020-12-18T20:45:19+00:00" updated="2020-12-18T20:45:21+00:00" team_id="583ec825-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c" type="global">
            <![CDATA[Golden State Warriors]]>
        <copyright>Associated Press</copyright>
            <link width="1500" height="1125" href="/logos/4ffaf698-7247-46bd-b6e8-c3a98223b48f/original.jpg"/>
            <link width="1000" height="750" href="/logos/4ffaf698-7247-46bd-b6e8-c3a98223b48f/h1000-max-resize.jpg"/>
            <link width="250" height="188" href="/logos/4ffaf698-7247-46bd-b6e8-c3a98223b48f/h250-max-resize.jpg"/>
            <link width="500" height="375" href="/logos/4ffaf698-7247-46bd-b6e8-c3a98223b48f/h500-max-resize.jpg"/>
            <ref name="Golden State Warriors" type="organization" sport="nba" sportradar_id="583ec825-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c" primary="true">
                <entity_id origin="SD" id="583ec825-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c" sport="nba"/>
        <provider name="ap">

5: Select the size of image desired within the link attribute and use this href file_name in your next call to the Logo Image endpoint.

curl -X GET "{your_api_key}"

The logo for Golden State is downloaded.

We provide 4 types of logos: regular logos, transparent logos, text logos, and transparent text logos.

For pre-built requests for all of our Images collections, feel free to browse and fork our Postman workspace:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!