Provides lineups and batting order for a given match.
Update Frequency
30s Time To Live / Cache
Data Points
Category & Sport:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | sport_event - tournament - category | String | Country code for a tournament's category |
id | sport_event - tournament - category | String | Unique category ID for a tournament ex. sr:category:105 |
name | sport_event - tournament - category | String | Name for a tournament's category ex. International |
id | sport_event - tournament - sport | String | Unique sport ID for a tournament ex. sr:sport:21 |
name | sport_event - tournament - sport | String | Name for a tournament's sport ex. Cricket |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
end_date | sport_event - season | Date | End date of a sport event's season ex. 2024-06-17 |
id | sport_event - season | String | Unique ID for a sport event's season ex. sr:season:122977 (Sheffield Shield 24/25) |
name | sport_event - season | String | Name of a sport event's season ex. Sheffield Shield 24/25 |
start_date | sport_event - season | Date | Start date of a sport event's season ex. 2023-09-23 |
tournament_id | sport_event - season | String | Unique tournament ID for a sport event's season ex. sr:tournament:21568 (Sheffield Shield) |
year | sport_event - season | String | Year of a sport event's season ex. 23/24 or 2024 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
gender | sport_event - tournament | String | Gender of a sport event's tournamentmen , women , mixed |
id | sport_event - tournament | String | Unique ID for a sport event's tournament ex. sr:tournament:21568 (Sheffield Shield) |
name | sport_event - tournament | String | Name of a sport event's tournament ex. Sheffield Shield |
type | sport_event - tournament | String | Type of a sport event's tournament ex. test , odi , t10 , t20i , first_class , list_a , t20 |
name | sport_event - tournament_round | String | Name of a sport event's tournament round |
number | sport_event - tournament_round | Integer | Number of a sport event's tournament round |
type | sport_event - tournament_round | String | Type of a sport event's tournament round ex. group |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
abbreviation | competitors - team | String | Abbreviation for a competitor name ex. BUL (Queensland Bulls) |
country | competitors - team | String | Country of a competitor ex. Australia |
country_code | competitors - team | String | Country code of a competitor ex. AUS (Australia) |
gender | competitors - team | String | Gender for a competitormale , female |
id | competitors - team | String | Unique ID for a competitor ex. sr:competitor:142678 (Queensland Bulls) |
name | competitors - team | String | Name for a competitor ex. Queensland Bulls |
qualifier | competitors - team | String | Designation of a competitor for a sport eventhome , away |
virtual | competitors - team | Boolean | Signifies a competitor is a virtual team whan true . Used for placeholder teams in TBD vs TBD matchups. |
team | lineups - lineup | String | Lineup designation for a teamhome , away |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
country_code | starting_lineup - player | String | Country code of a player ex. BGD (Bangladesh) |
date_of_birth | starting_lineup - player | Date | Date of birth of a player ex. 1993-02-25 |
id | starting_lineup - player | String | Unique ID of a player ex. sr:player:696896 |
name | starting_lineup - player | String | Name of a player ex. Sarkar, Soumya |
nationality | starting_lineup - player | String | Nationality of a player ex. Bangladesh |
order | starting_lineup - player | Integer | Batting order number of a player for a match |
type | starting_lineup - player | String | Position of a player ex. wicket_keeper , all_rounder , batsman , bowler |
Sport Event:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | sport_event | String | Unique ID of a sport event ex. sr:sport_event:52962997 |
scheduled | sport_event | Date-time | Scheduled start time of a match ex. 2025-02-08T00:00:00+00:00 |
start_time_tbd | sport_event | Boolean | Signifies the start time of a match is TBD when true |
status | sport_event | String | Status of a match. See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions |
Sport Event Conditions:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
day_night | sport_event_conditions | String | Signifies a day or night matchday , night |
neutral_venue | sport_event_conditions | Boolean | Signifies a match is played at a neutral site when true |
type | sport_event_conditions | String | Type of a matchtest , odi , t10 , t20i , first_class , list_a , t20 |
rain_conditions | sport_event_conditions - weather_info | String | Rain conditions for a matchno_rain , expected_soon , showers , rain , heavy_rain , unknown |
sky_conditions | sport_event_conditions - weather_info | String | Sky conditions for a matchclear , partly_cloudy , cloudy , overcast , unknown |
temperature_range | sport_event_conditions - weather_info | String | Temperature range for a matchvery_hot , hot , warm , mild , cold , very_cold , unknown |
wind_conditions | sport_event_conditions - weather_info | String | Wind conditions for a matchno_wind , breeze , windy , gale , unknown |
boundary_position | sport_event_conditions - pitch_info | String | Boundary position of the pitch for a matchin , normal , unknown |
grass_cover | sport_event_conditions - pitch_info | String | Grass cover of the pitch for a matchbarren , normal , green , unknown |
pitch_moisture | sport_event_conditions - pitch_info | String | Moisture of the pitch for a matchvery_dry , dry , normal , moist , unknown |
pitch_quality | sport_event_conditions - pitch_info | String | Quality of the pitch for a matchnormal , delayed , deteriorating , slow , low , unknown |
outfield_conditions | sport_event_conditions - outfield_info | String | Outfield conditions for a matchslow , normal , fast |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
capacity | venue | Integer | Capacity of a venue ex. 22500 |
city_name | venue | String | City name of a venue ex. Sylhet |
country_code | venue | String | Country code of a venue ex. BGD (Bangladesh) |
country_name | venue | String | Country name of a venue ex. Bangladesh |
id | venue | String | Unique ID of a venue ex. sr:venue:24744 |
map_coordinates | venue | String | Coordinates of a venue ex. 24.920781,91.868653 |
name | venue | String | Name of a venue ex. Sylhet International Cricket Stadium |
timezone | venue | String | Timezone of a venue ex. Asia/Kolkata |
state | venue | String | State of a venue ex. Sylhet International Cricket Stadium |
name | venue - bowling_end | String | Name of a venue bowling end ex. Anna Pavilion End , V Pattabhiraman Gate End |