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Sportradar regularly enhances our APIs to provide the most comprehensive sports data. We have adopted the following versioning strategy to provide flexibility in your development.

Versioning Strategy

Sportradar provides support for one current and two previous versions of an API. These versions are considered stable as it relates to the schema, data elements, behaviors, and formats as they will not change.

Defects in calculations or logic will be addressed at the discretion of Sportradar. Previous versions will continue to be available but are not supported, and will no longer be available to new customers. It is your responsibility to migrate to one of the current, stable versions.

To find the currently supported versions, see the Sportradar Versioning Matrix at the bottom of this page. More information about about this can be found in our Terms and Conditions.

Example Scenarios

Scenario 1: It is determined that the method used to calculate an MLB split is incorrect. The format and behavior of the API will not change. Only the actual data will change. Corrections will be made to the current version at Sportradar's discretion and released to all stable versions.

Scenario 2: A new data element is developed mid-season. The new data element will be released in the next stable version of the API. This new data element will not be added to the previous, still supported, versions.

Scenario 3: A new endpoint is created mid-season. The new endpoint will be introduced in the next stable version of the API. This new endpoint will not be added to the previous, still supported, versions.

Scenario 4: A new API version is released. When a new version is released the previous current version becomes the new supported version along with the previous supported version. When this occurs the oldest supported version becomes unsupported. For instance, when v4 of an API is released becoming the new current version, V3 and v2 of the API would be the supported previous versions, and v1 would become unsupported.


How do I find the latest version of an API?

API versions can be found in the documentation on the Sportradar Developer Portal or in the below Sportradar API Versioning Matrix.

How often do you version up your APIs?

We aim to version up an API only when necessary due to a breaking change. Most API versions will be supported for multiple years. However, new features and releases are typically only added to the latest version of an API.

How does Sportradar notify customers when a new version is released?

When releasing a new version, we send a product announcement to the email associated with your account.

Sportradar Versioning Matrix

ProductTypeCurrent VersionStable Version 1Stable version 2
Aussie Rules Football APIAussie Rules Footballv3v2v1
Badminton APIBadmintonv2v1
Bandy APIBandyv2v1-
Beach SoccerSoccerv2v1-
Betting Insights APIInsightsv2--
Cricket APICricketv2--
Curling APICurlingv2v1-
Cycling APICyclingv2--
Darts APIDartsv2v1-
Editorial Content APIEditorial Contentv3--
Field Hockey APIField Hockeyv2v1
Floorball APIFloorballv2v1-
Formula 1 APIRacingv2--
Formula E APIRacingv2--
Futsal APIFutsalv2v1-
Global American Football APIFootballv2v1-
Global Baseball APIBaseballv2v1-
Global Basketball APIBasketballv2v1-
Global Ice Hockey APIHockeyv2v1-
Golf APIGolfv3v2-
Handball APIHandballv2v1-
Images APIImagesv3--
Indy Car APIRacingv2--
Indy Lights APIRacingv2--
Insights APIInsightsv2v1-
MLB APIBaseballv8v7v6.6
MMA APICombat Sportsv2--
MotoGP APIRacingv2--
NASCAR APIRacingv3--
NBA APIBasketballv8v7v5
NBA G LeagueBasketballv8v7v5
NCAA Football APIFootballv7--
NCAA Men's Basketball APIBasketballv8v7v4
NCAA Men's Hockey APIHockeyv3--
NCAA Women's Basketball APIBasketballv8v7v3
NFL APIFootballv7v6v5
NHL APIHockeyv7v6v5
Odds Comparison Futures APIOddsv2--
Odds Comparison Live Odds APIOddsv2--
Odds Comparison Player Props APIOddsv2--
Odds Comparison Prematch APIOddsv2--
Odds Comparison Regular APIOddsv1--
Olympic Medals APIOlympicsv1--
Pesapallo APIPesapallov2v2-
Probabilities APIOddsv1--
Rally APIRacingv2--
Rugby APIRugbyv3v2-
Snooker APISnookerv2v1-
Soccer APISoccerv4v3-
Soccer Advanced Analytics APISoccerv1--
Soccer Extended APISoccerv4v3-
Squash APISquashv2v1-
Table Tennis APITable Tennisv2--
Tennis APITennisv3v2-
UFL APIFootballv7--
USFL APIFootballv7--
Volleyball (Beach) APIVolleyballv2v1-
Volleyball (Indoor) APIVolleyballv2v1-
Waterpolo APIWaterpolov2v1-
Winter Sports APIWinter Sportsv1--
WNBA APIBasketballv8v7v4