Displays statistics information for live matches.
https://api.sportradar.us/darts/{access_level}/stream/statistics/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key} |
Replace placeholders with the following query parameters:
Parameter | Description |
access_level | Defines the access level of your API key as Production (production) or Trial (trial). |
your_api_key | Your API key. |
Optional Query String Parameters
Optional query string parameters must be added after your API key with an ampersand (&). If you are filtering for more than one result, separate the results with a comma (,) and no spaces.
Replace placeholders with the following query parameters:
Parameter | Description |
channel | Channel type expressed as: {channel_type}. Example: channel=darts |
competition_id | Competition Id expressed as: {competition_id}. Example: competition_id=sr:competition:27230 |
event_id | Event type expressed as: {event_type}. Example: event_id=dart |
format | Format type expressed as: {format}. Example: format=json |
season_id | Season id expressed as: {season_id}. Example: season_id=sr:season:59654 |
sport_event_id | Sport event id expressed as: {sport_event_id}. Example: sport_event_id=sr:sport_event_id:18243959 |
sport_id | Sport id expressed as: {sport_id}. Example: sport_id=sr:sport:22 |
Code Samples
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
url = URI("https://api.sportradar.com/darts/trial/stream/events/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}")
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url)
response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
import requests
import json
r = requests.get("https://api.sportradar.com/darts/trial/stream/events/subscribe",
params = {'api_key': 'your_api_key'},
redirect_url = r.headers['Location']
r = requests.get(redirect_url, stream=True)
for line in r.iter_lines():
# filter out keep-alive new lines
if line:
decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
curl -L GET 'api.sportradar.com/darts/trial/stream/events/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}'
Samples with Query String Params
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'openssl'
url = URI("https://api.sportradar.com/darts/trial/stream/events/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}&format=json&sport_event_id=sr:sport_event_id:18243959")
http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url)
response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
import requests
import json
r = requests.get("https://api.sportradar.com/darts/trial/stream/events/subscribe",
params = {'api_key': 'your_api_key', 'format': 'json', 'sport_event_id': 'sr:sport_event_id:18243959'},
redirect_url = r.headers['Location']
r = requests.get(redirect_url, stream=True)
for line in r.iter_lines():
# filter out keep-alive new lines
if line:
decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
curl -L GET 'https://api.sportradar.com/darts/trial/stream/statistics/subscribe?api_key={your_api_key}&format=json&sport_event_id=sr:sport_event_id:18243959'
Response Sample
The above commands return json like this.
Data Points
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
channel | metadata | String | Sport of the stream connection ex. darts |
competition_id | metadata | String | Unique Id of a competition ex. sr:competition:25469 |
event_id | metadata | String | Description of a push timeline event ex. match_started , match_ended , first_throw , period_start , leg_score_change , period_score , score_change , dart , match_info |
format | metadata | String | Format type of the responsejson , xml |
season_id | metadata | String | Unique Id of a season ex. sr:season:116589 |
sport_event_id | metadata | String | Unique Id of a sport event ex. sr:sport_event_id:50451013 |
sport_id | metadata | String | Unique Id of a sport ex. sr:sport:22 |
from | heartbeat | Integer | Unix timestamp of the beginning of a heartbeat message ex. 1722267631 |
to | heartbeat | Integer | Unix timestamp of the end of a heartbeat message ex. 1722267636 |
interval | heartbeat | Integer | Interval of a heartbeat message in seconds |
type | heartbeat | String | Type of heartbeat message ex. events |
package | heartbeat | String | Package of a heartbeat message ex. darts-v2 |
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
abbreviation | competitors | String | Abbreviation for a competitor name ex. CRO (Cross, Rob) |
id | competitors | String | Unique ID for a competitor ex. sr:competitor:245555 |
name | competitors | String | Name for a competitor ex. Cross, Rob |
qualifier | competitors | String | Designation of a competitor for a matchhome , away |
Sport Event Status:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_score | sport_event_status | Integer | Total score for the away competitor in a match |
home_score | sport_event_status | Integer | Total score for the home competitor in a match |
match_status | sport_event_status | String | Status within a match (sport event). Provides more detail on the state of a match when live than status ex. not_started , 1st_set , pause , postponed See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
scount_abandoned | sport_event_status | Boolean | Signifies a match was abandoned by a scout when true |
status | sport_event_status | String | Status of a sport event ex. not_started , live , ended , closed See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
winner_id | sport_event_status | String | Unique ID of the match winner ex. sr:competitor:85671 |
Period Scores:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_score | sport_event_status - period_scores | Integer | Away competitor set score |
home_score | sport_event_status - period_scores | Integer | Home competitor set score |
number | sport_event_status - period_scores | Integer | Set number |
type | sport_event_status - period_scores | String | Period type ex. regular_period |
Match Stats (Competitor):
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
average_3_darts | competitors - statistics | Float | 3-dart average for a competitor in a match. (Total Score / Darts Thrown) * 3 ex. 94.81 |
checkout_percentage | competitors - statistics | Float | Percentage of checkouts achieved for a competitor in a match ex. 46.17 |
checkouts | competitors - statistics | Integer | Number of checkouts for a competitor in a match |
checkouts_100s_plus | competitors - statistics | Integer | Number of checkouts at 100+ for a competitor in a match |
highest_checkout | competitors - statistics | Integer | Highest checkout number for a competitor in a match |
scores_100s_plus | competitors - statistics | Integer | Number of scores at 100+ for a competitor in a match |
scores_140s_plus | competitors - statistics | Integer | Number of scores at 140+ for a competitor in a match |
scores_180s | competitors - statistics | Integer | Number of scores at 180 for a competitor in a match |