Provides a 10 second live delta of game information, including scoring and a play-by-play event timeline.
Update Frequency
1s Time To Live / Cache
Data Points
Sport Event:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
id | sport_event_timeline | String | Unique ID of a match ex. sr:sport_event:51847153 |
start_time | sport_event_timeline | Date | Start time of a match ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00 |
Sport Event Status:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_score | sport_event_status | Integer | Total score for the away competitor in a match |
home_score | sport_event_status | Integer | Total score for the home competitor in a match |
match_status | sport_event_status | String | Status within a match (sport event). Provides more detail on the state of a match when live than status ex. not_started , 1st_set , pause , postponed See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
scount_abandoned | sport_event_status | Boolean | Signifies a match was abandoned by a scout when true |
status | sport_event_status | String | Status of a sport event ex. not_started , live , ended , closed See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions. |
winner_id | sport_event_status | String | Unique ID of the match winner ex. sr:competitor:85671 |
Period Scores:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_score | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | Integer | Away competitor period score |
home_score | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | Integer | Home competitor period score |
number | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | Integer | Period number |
type | sport_event_status - period_scores - period_score | String | Period type ex. regular_period |
Match Timeline:
Attribute | Parent Element | Type | Description |
away_score | timeline - event | Integer | Away competitor point score |
best_of_legs | timeline - event | Integer | Number of legs for a match |
best_of_sets | timeline - event | Integer | Number of sets for a match |
competitor | timeline - event | String | Designation of a competitor for a timeline eventhome , away |
dart_score | timeline - event | Integer | Number hit for a dart throw |
dart_score_multiplier | timeline - event | Integer | Signifies a multiplier was hit for a dart throw ex. 1 , 2 , 3 |
dart_score_total | timeline - event | Integer | Number of total points for a dart throw |
home_score | timeline - event | Integer | Home competitor point score |
id | timeline - event | Integer | Unique ID for a timeline event ex. 1865222675 |
is_bust | timeline - event | Boolean | Signifies a competitor busted on a dart throw when true |
is_checkout_attempt | timeline - event | Boolean | Signifies a dart throw is a checkout attempt when true |
is_gameshot | timeline - event | Boolean | Signifies a dart throw is a game shot when true |
period | timeline - event | Integer | Period number of a timeline event. Populates for each period_score event. |
result | timeline - event | String | Signifies the winning competitor for a matchhome , away |
time | timeline - event | Date-time | Timestamp of a timeline event ex. 2024-04-16T20:49:49+00:00 |
type | timeline - event | String | Type of timeline event ex. match_started , match_ended , first_throw , period_start , leg_score_change , period_score , score_change , dart , match_info |