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Provides a 10 second live delta of game information, including scoring and a play-by-play event timeline.


Update Frequency

1s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points

Sport Event:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idsport_event_timelineStringUnique ID of a match
ex. sr:sport_event:51847153
start_timesport_event_timelineDateStart time of a match
ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00
Sport Event Status:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the away competitor in a match
home_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the home competitor in a match
match_statussport_event_statusStringStatus within a match (sport event). Provides more detail on the state of a match when live than status
ex. not_started, 1st_set, pause, postponed

See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions.
scount_abandonedsport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a match was abandoned by a scout when true
statussport_event_statusStringStatus of a sport event
ex. not_started, live, ended, closed

See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions.
winner_idsport_event_statusStringUnique ID of the match winner
ex. sr:competitor:85671
Period Scores:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerAway competitor period score
home_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerHome competitor period score
numbersport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerPeriod number
typesport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreStringPeriod type
ex. regular_period
Match Timeline:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_scoretimeline - eventIntegerAway competitor point score
best_of_legstimeline - eventIntegerNumber of legs for a match
best_of_setstimeline - eventIntegerNumber of sets for a match
competitortimeline - eventStringDesignation of a competitor for a timeline event
home, away
dart_scoretimeline - eventIntegerNumber hit for a dart throw
dart_score_multipliertimeline - eventIntegerSignifies a multiplier was hit for a dart throw
ex. 1, 2, 3
dart_score_totaltimeline - eventIntegerNumber of total points for a dart throw
home_scoretimeline - eventIntegerHome competitor point score
idtimeline - eventIntegerUnique ID for a timeline event
ex. 1865222675
is_busttimeline - eventBooleanSignifies a competitor busted on a dart throw when true
is_checkout_attempttimeline - eventBooleanSignifies a dart throw is a checkout attempt when true
is_gameshottimeline - eventBooleanSignifies a dart throw is a game shot when true
periodtimeline - eventIntegerPeriod number of a timeline event. Populates for each period_score event.
resulttimeline - eventStringSignifies the winning competitor for a match
home, away
timetimeline - eventDate-timeTimestamp of a timeline event
ex. 2024-04-16T20:49:49+00:00
typetimeline - eventStringType of timeline event
ex. match_started, match_ended, first_throw, period_start, leg_score_change, period_score, score_change, dart, match_info
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