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A quick overview of all statistics available through the Tennis v3 API.

Click the arrow under each table to view endpoints that could return the statistics above.

Category & Sport

Category Country Code
Category Id
Category Name
Sport Id
Sport Name
Category & Sport Info available in:


Competition Alternative Name
Competition Gender
Competition Id
Competition Level
Competition Name
Competition Parent Id
Competition Type
Cup Round Id
Cup Round Name
Cup Round Order
Cup Round State
Cup Round Type
Cup Round Winner Id
Group - Group Name
Group – Parent Group Id
Group Id
Group Live
Group Max Rounds
Group Name
Group Order
Info Competition Status
Info Complex
Info Complex Id
Info Prize Money
Info Prize Money Currency
Info Number of Competitions
Info Number of Qualified Competitors
Info Number of Scheduled Matches
Info Venue Reduced Capacity
Info Venue Reduced Capacity Max
Mode Best Of
Round Name
Round Number
Season Competition Id
Season Disabled
Season End Date
Season Id
Season Name
Season Start Date
Season Year
Stage End Date
Stage Order
Stage Phase
Stage Start Date
Stage Type
Stage Year
Competition Info available in:

Competitor & Player

Competitor Abbreviation
Competitor Bracket Number
Competitor Country
Competitor Country Code
Competitor Date of Birth
Competitor Gender
Competitor Id
Competitor Name
Competitor Qualification Path
Competitor Qualifier
Competitor Seed
Competitor Short Name
Competitor Virtual
Player Abbreviation
Player Country
Player Country Code
Player Date of Birth
Player Gender
Player Height
Player Id
Player Info – Date of Birth
Player Info – Handedness
Player Info – Height
Player Info – Highest Doubles Ranking
Player Info – Highest Doubles Ranking Date
Player Info – Highest Singles Ranking
Player Info – Highest Singles Ranking Date
Player Info – Pro Year
Player Info – Weight (kg)
Player Name
Player Nationality
Player Weight (kg)
Competitor & Player Info available in:

Complex & Venue

Complex Id
Complex Name
Venue Capacity
Venue Changed
Venue City Name
Venue Country Name
Venue Country Code
Venue Id
Venue Map Coordinates
Venue Name
Venue Reduced Capacity
Venue Reduced Capacity Max
Venue Timezone
Complex & Venue Info available in:


Away Team Win Probability
Home Team Win Probability
Market Away Score
Market Home Score
Market Name
Market Removed
Outcome Name
Probability Info available in:

Sport Event

Coverage Detailed Serve Outcomes
Coverage Extended Stats
Coverage Play by Play
Coverage Scores
Coverage Type
Game State – Advantage
Game State – Away Score
Game State – Home Score
Game State – Last Point Result
Game State – Point Type
Game State – Serving
Game State – Tie Break
Period Score – Away Score
Period Score – Away Tiebreak Score
Period Score – Home Score
Period Score – Home Tiebreak Score
Period Score – Number
Period Score – Type
Sport Event Created At
Sport Event Created Id
Sport Event Created - Active Season
Sport Event Estimated Time
Sport Event Id
Sport Event Order
Sport Event Parent Id
Sport Event Removed – Id
Sport Event Removed – Replaced By
Sport Event Replaced By
Sport Event Resumed Time
Sport Event Start Time
Sport Event Start Time Confirmed
SE Status – Away Nmltime Score
SE Status – Away OT Score
SE Status – Away Score
SE Status – Decided by Fed
SE Status – Home Normaltime Score
SE Status – Home Overtime Score
SE Status – Home Score
SE Status – Match Status
SE Status – Scout Abandoned
SE Status – Status
SE Status – Winner Id
SE Status – Winning Reason
Sport Event Type
Sport Event Upcoming Id
Sport Event Updated – Id
SE Updated – Updated At
Sport Event Info available in:

Match Stats

Backhand Errors
Backhand Unforced Errors
Backhand Winners
Breakpoints Won
Double Faults
Drop Shot Unforced Errors
Drop Shot Winners
First Serve Points Won
First Serve Successful
Forehand Errors
Forehand Unforced Error
Forehand Winners
Games Won
Groundstroke Errors
Groundstroke Unforced Errors
Groundstroke Winners
Lob Unforced Errors
Lob Winners
Max Games in a Row
Max Points in a Row
Overhead Stroke Errors
Overhead Stroke Unforced Errors
Overhead Stroke Winners
Points Won
Points Won from Last 10
Return Errors
Return Winners
Second Serve Points Won
Second Serve Successful
Service Games Won
Service Points Lost
Service Points Won
Tiebreaks Won
Total Breakpoints
Volley Unforced Errors
Volley Winners
Match Statistics available in:

Season Stats

Competitions Played
Competitions Won
Matches Played
Matches Won
Period Year
Surface Type
Season Statistics available in:


Away Score
Event Updated
Event Updated Time
First Serve Fault
Home Score
Period Name
Sport Event Timeline Id
Sport Event Timeline Start Time
Sport Event Timeline Delta Id
Sport Event Timeline Delta Start Time
Timeline Info available in:

Standings & Rankings

Competitor Ranking – Competitions Played
Competitor Ranking – Competitor Id
Competitor Ranking – Movement
Competitor Ranking – Name
Competitor Ranking – Points
Competitor Ranking – Race Ranking
Competitor Ranking – Rank
Competitor Ranking – Type
Ranking – Gender
Ranking – Name
Ranking – Type Id
Ranking – Week
Ranking – Year
Standings - Current Outcome
Standings – Losses
Standings – Played
Standings – Points
Standings – Rank
Standings – Sets Lost
Standings – Sets Won
Standings – Wins
Standings Round
Standings Tie Break Rule
Standings Type
Standings Info available in:


NameMerged IdRetained Id
Mapping Info available in:


Competition Id
Event Id
Heartbeat Interval
Heartbeat From
Heartbeat Package
Heartbeat To
Heartbeat Type
Season Id
Sport Event Id
Sport Id
Metadata Info available in: