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NBA G League Play-By-Play Detailed, real-time information on every team possession and game event.


Update Frequency

This endpoint will update to a 2s TTL (time to live) upon a game moving to inprogress. Upon closed, it will transfer to 120s.

Data Points

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
attendancegameIntegerAttendance of a game
ex. 19079
lead_changesgameIntegerNumber of lead changes in a game
times_tiedgameIntegerNumber of times tied in a game
lead_changesgame-quarter/overtime-scoringIntegerNumber of lead changes in a quarter
times_tiedgame-quarter/overtime-scoringIntegerNumber of times tied in a quarter
idovertimeGUIDUnique ID of overtime
ex. 1c2463d7-43ec-4b83-a29c-d66087d8e8df
numberovertimeIntegerOvertime number
sequenceovertimeIntegerPeriod sequence number (The first overtime sequence would be 5)
quartergameIntegerQuarter number of the game
idquarterGUIDUnique ID of a quarter
ex. 47091cc4-08c2-4f83-9d8d-59c3c85e1725
numberquarterIntegerQuarter number
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 583ec825-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c
home_teamgameGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. 583ec97e-fb46-11e1-82cb-f4ce4684ea4c
entry_modegameStringType of data entry for the game
WEBSOCKET (Connected to NBA's socket conneciton),HTTP (Connected to NBA's HTTP service),LDE (Live Data Entry by Sportradar)
clockgameStringClock value of the game
ex. 12:37
clock_decimalgameStringClock value in decimal form when the game clock is under 1:00. Otherwise it displays the same value as clock
ex. 00:21.70
coveragegameStringCoverage level of a game
durationgameStringDuration of a game
ex. 2:26
idgameGUIDUnique ID of a game
ex. 1f730a9a-8221-48ff-a259-ac2103fb58b0
quartergameIntegerCurrent quarter of a game
referencegameStringLeague reference ID of a game
ex. 1610612758
statusgameStringThe status of a game
Please see our FAQ section for a list of game status definitions
titlegameStringGame title
ex. Game 6
track_on_courtgameBooleanSignifies a game with tracking of players on the court.

When true, we provide a lineupchange event type, on_court player for Play-by-Play events, and an on_court indicator in Game Summary
neutral_sitegameBooleanSignifies a game played at a neutral venue
scheduledgamedateTimeScheduled date and time of a game
ex. 2022-09-25T20:10:00+00:00
awaygame-time_zonesStringTime zone of the away team
ex. US/Pacific
homegame-time_zonesStringTime zone of the home team
ex. US/Eastern
venuegame-time_zonesStringTime zone of the venue
ex. US/Eastern
Play-by-Play - Attribution & Possession:

Attribution is the team associated with the play-by-play event (i.e. the statistic associated with it). Possession is the team who currently has the possession of the ball as a result of that play-by-play event.

AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idevent-attributionGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketevent-attributionStringMarket name of a team
ex. Delaware
nameevent-attributionStringTeam name
ex. Blue Coats
team_basketevent-attributionStringThe basket the offensive team is shooting at in the arena. Direction is based on the TV broadcast's perspective.
idevent-possessionGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketevent-possessionStringMarket name of a team
ex. Delaware
nameevent-possessionStringTeam name
ex. Blue Coats
team_basketevent-possessionStringThe basket the offensive team is shooting at in the arena. Direction is based on the TV broadcast's perspective.
Play-by-Play - Home/Away Teams:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasscoring/quarter-awayStringAbbreviation of the away team
ex. DEL (Delaware)
bonusscoring/quarter-awayBooleanSignifies a team is in the bonus
pointsscoring-awayIntegerTotal points for the away team
pointsquarter-awayIntegerPoints in a quarter for the away team
idscoring/quarter-awayGUIDUnique ID of the away team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketscoring/quarter-awayStringMarket name of the away team
ex. Delaware
namescoring/quarter-awayStringAway team name
ex. Blue Coats
aliasscoring/quarter-homeStringAbbreviation of the home team
ex. DEL (Delaware)
bonusscoring/quarter-homeBooleanSignifies a team is in the bonus
pointsscoring-homeIntegerTotal points for the home team
pointsquarter-homeIntegerPoints in a quarter for the home team
idscoring/quarter-homeGUIDUnique ID of the home team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketscoring/quarter-homeStringMarket name of the home team
ex. Delaware
namescoring/quarter-homeStringHome team name
ex. Blue Coats
Play-by-Play - Event:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
clock_decimaleventStringClock value in decimal form when the game clock is under 1:00. Otherwise it displays the same value as clock
ex. 00:21.70
attempteventStringText description of a free throw attempt
ex. 1 of 2 or 2 of 2
away_pointseventIntegerTotal points for the away team after an event
clockeventStringClock value of an event
ex. 12:37
descriptioneventStringText description of an event
ex. Norense Odiase blocks Jaden Springer's two point driving dunk
event_typeeventStringType of event
ex. turnover or rebound
See our FAQ for a complete list of types
free_throw_typeeventStringType of free throw
ex. regular,technical,flagrant,clear path
home_pointseventIntegerTotal points for the home team after an event
ideventGUIDUnique ID of an event
ex. c90dfffe-51f5-4e62-aeda-c4332cf3bd91
action_areaevent-locationStringAction area of an event
Please see our FAQ for detailed plot points of our action areas
coord_xevent-locationIntegerX coordinate of an event. The court we use is 1128 by 600; the scale is in inches.
coord_yevent-locationIntegerY coordinate of an event. The court we use is 1128 by 600; the scale is in inches.
numbereventIntegerSequential number of an event in a game
qualifierevents-qualifiers-qualifierStringAdditional descriptor of a play-by-play event type.
Appears only in JSON format
sequenceeventIntegerUNIX timestamp of the wall clock value. Use this value to help sequence play-by-play events (smallest to largest sequence number}.
ex. 1678835426293
turnover_typeeventStringType of turnover
ex. Traveling or Lane Violation
See our FAQ for a complete list of types
updatedeventdateTimeTimestamp of the last update to an event
ex. 2022-09-25T23:00:45+00:00
wall_clockeventdateTimeTimestamp in UTC when the on-venue statistician began entry of a play-by-play event.
ex. 2023-03-14T23:10:26Z
Play-by-Play - Play Participants & Stats:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idevent-statistics-teamGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketevent-statistics-teamStringMarket name of a team
ex. Delaware
nameevent-statistics-teamStringTeam name
ex. Blue Coats
full_nameevent-statistics-playerStringFull name of a player
ex. Mac McClung
idevent-statistics-playerGUIDUnique player ID
ex. 0ef9d4c8-866d-49fe-9752-d36947794876
jersey_numberevent-statistics-playerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
madeevent-statistics-fieldgoalBooleanSignifies a made basket
pointsevent-statistics-fieldgoalIntegerNumber of points scored for an event
rebound_typeevent-statistics-reboundStringRebound type
shot_distanceevent-statistics-fieldgoalDecimalShot distance in feet from the basket
ex. 2.37
shot_typeevent-statistics-fieldgoalStringShot type
jump shot,layup,dunk,hook,tip
shot_type_descevent-statistics-fieldgoalStringText description of a shot type
ex. driving or alley-oop
See our FAQ for a complete list of descriptions
three_point_shotevent-statistics-fieldgoalBooleanSignifies a 3-point attempt
madeevent-statistics-freethrowBooleanSignifies a made free throw
pointsevent-statistics-freethrowIntegerNumber of points scored for a free throw
free_throw_typeevent-statistics-freethrowStringType of free throw
ex. regular,technical,flagrant,clear path
Play-by-Play - On Court Participants:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
full_nameevent-on_court-playerStringFull name of a player
ex. Mac McClung
idevent-on_court-playerGUIDUnique player ID
ex. a7ad124e-7060-402d-8ad3-a982af52eb93
jersey_numberevent-on_court-playerIntegerNumber of a player's jersey
idevent-on_court-home/awayGUIDUnique ID of a team
ex. 67a79348-041a-45f6-bb12-722d38dc8dbf
marketevent-on_court-home/awayStringMarket name of a team
ex. Delaware
nameevent-on_court-home/awayStringTeam name
ex. Blue Coats
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