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Provides a 10 second live delta of game information, including scoring and a play-by-play event timeline.


Update Frequency

1s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points

Period Scores:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerAway team period score
home_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerHome team period score
numbersport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerPeriod number
typesport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreStringPeriod type
ex. 1st_half, 2nd_half, pause, 1st_extra, 2nd_extra, extra_time_halftime, awaiting_extra, interrupted, overtime, regular_period
Sport Event Status:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the away team in the match
away_normaltime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the away team in normal time
home_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the home team in the match
home_normaltime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the home team in normal time
match_statussport_event_statusStringStatus within a match (sport event). Provides more detail on the state of a sport event when live than status
ex. not_started, 1st_quarter, ended, cancelled

See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions.
match_tiesport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a matched ended in a tie when true
scount_abandonedsport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a sport event was abandoned by a scout when true
statussport_event_statusStringStatus of a sport event
ex. not_started, live, ended, closed

See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions.
winner_idsport_event_statusStringUnique ID of the match winner
ex. sr:competitor:4231
Game Timeline:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idsport_event_timelineStringUnique Id of a sport event
ex. sr:sport_event:46377483
start_timesport_event_timelineDate-timeStart time of a sport event
ex. 2024-04-23T18:15:00+00:00
away_scoretimeline - eventIntegerScore for the away team after a timeline event
break_nametimeline - eventStringBrief description of a break event
ex. pause
competitortimeline - eventStringDesignation of a competitor for a timeline event
home, away
home_scoretimeline - eventIntegerScore for the home team after a timeline event
idtimeline - eventIntegerUnique ID for a timeline event
ex. 1856337905
match_clocktimeline - eventStringClock value for a timeline event, in minutes and seconds
ex. 39:41
match_timetimeline - eventIntegerClock value of a timeline event, in minutes
ex. 40
methodtimeline - eventStringType of score for a timeline event
try, penalty, penalty_try, conversion, drop_goal
periodtimeline - eventIntegerPeriod number of a timeline event
period_nametimeline - eventStringPeriod name of a timeline event, appearing at the beginning of a period
ex. 1st_half
timetimeline - eventDate-timeTimestamp of a timeline event
ex. 2024-09-28T15:02:11+00:00
typetimeline - eventStringType of timeline event
ex. match_started, score_change, ball_kicked, turnover, substitution

See our FAQ for a complete list of timeline event values
xtimeline - eventIntegerHorizontal X coordinate of a timeline event. x is a number between 0 and 100.
ytimeline - eventIntegerVertical Y coordinate of a timeline event. y is a number between 0 and 100.
Player Event Details:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idevent - playerStringUnique player Id associated with a timeline event
ex. sr:player:474906
nameevent - playerStringPlayer name associated with a timeline event
ex. Gallo, Thomas
typeevent - playerStringType of event associated with a player
ex. scorer, substituted_in, substituted_out
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