The MMA API provides schedules and live results for all UFC events, including Dana White's Contender Series.
This API is consistent in structure, format, and behavior with other General Sport APIs. Primary feeds will return schedules and live results.
Additional feeds provide complementary stats, including:
- Win probabilities for each match
- Competitor profiles
- Head-to-head statistics
- Complete list of weight class rankings
- Complete list of champions by weight class
Authentication is required for all API calls.
To best utilize the MMA API, you will need several parameters to create your API calls. The map below illustrates how you can obtain the parameters you need.
The primary feeds require only a date or human-readable parameters to call the endpoints. Those feeds provide Sport Event Ids, Competitor Ids, or Season Ids which can be used to generate the season, event, and competitor feeds.

Endpoint Descriptions
Champions - Provides a list of current champions by weight class.
Competition Info - Provides the name, id, and parent id for a given competition.
Competition Seasons - Provides historical season information for a given competition. Valid competition IDs can be found in the Competitions feed.
Competitions - Provides a list of all available competitions.
Competitor Merge Mappings - Provides valid ids for competitors who have had their profiles merged. While Sportradar always strives to provide one unique competitor id, it is a possibility for two ids to be created. This feed provides the correct id once profiles have been merged.
Competitor Profile – Provides biographical information for a given competitor, including record.
Competitor Summaries - Provides previous and upcoming event information for a given competitor, including results for past events and scheduling info for upcoming events.
Competitor vs Competitor - Provides previous and upcoming fights between two competitors, including results and statistics.
Daily Summaries - Provides event schedules for a given day, including results and statistics.
Live Summaries - Provides information for all currently live events, including results and statistics.
Rankings - Returns the current rankings for each weight class.
Season Competitors - Provides a list of competitors participating for a given event/season id.
Season Info - Provides information for a given event/season, including a list of participants.
Season Probabilities - Provides win probabilities for each participant for every match from a given event/season.
Season Summaries - Provides schedule information and results for all fights from a given event/season.
Seasons - Provides a complete list of historical event/season information for all supported competitions in the API.
Sport Event Summary - Provides live scoring for a given event/fight. Please note that data returned is determined by coverage level.
Sport Events Created – Provides ids for sport events that have been created in the last 24 hours.
Sport Events Removed - Provides ids for sport events that have been removed or deleted.
Sport Events Updated - Provides ids for sport events that have been updated in the last 24 hours.
Data Retrieval Sample
To find the probabilities for a given match:
- Call the Daily Summaries for the day the sport event takes place and find the Sport Event Id for the chosen sport event
- Make note of the Sport Event Id for the given sport event
- Call the Season Probabilities using the Season Id Find Sport Event Id within the results and locate the outcome probability
The probabilities for this match are displayed.
Integration Links
OpenAPI Spec
Our MMA API is available via OpenAPI. Click below to view and/or download the spec.
Postman Workspace
Our entire Media APIs are available on Postman. Click the link above to be taken directly to our MMA API collection.
Feel free to follow and/or fork any collections to receive updates.
Schema Download
Open the zip file below to access our entire MMA API XSD schema.