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Find every stat for NHL v5


Conference Alias
Conference Id
Conference Name
Division Alias
Division Id
Division Name
Season Id
Season Type
Season Year
League Information available in:
Daily Change LogLeague HierarchySeasonal Statistics
Daily SchedulePlayer ProfileSeries Schedule
Daily TransfersRankingsStandings
Depth ChartsScheduleTeam Leaders
InjuriesSeasonal FaceoffsTeam Profile


Coach – Experience
Coach – First Name
Coach – Full Name
Coach – Id
Coach – Last Name
Coach – Position
Coach – Reference
Year Founded
Team Information available in:
Daily Change LogPlayer ProfileTeam Leaders
Depth ChartsRankingsTeam Profile
Game Play-by-PlaySeasonal FaceoffsPush Clock
InjuriesSeasonal StatisticsPush Events
League HierarchySeries StatisticsPush Statistics
League LeadersStandings


Abbreviated Name
Birth Date
Birth Place
Captain Flag
Draft - Pick
Draft - Round
Draft - Team
Draft - Year
First Name
Full Name
Height (Inches)
Injuries – Comment
Injuries – Description
Injuries – Id
Injuries – Start Date
Injuries – Status
Injuries – Update Date
Jersey Number
Last Name
Primary Position
Transfers – Description
Transfers – Effective Date
Transfers – End Date
Transfers – Id
Transfers – New Team Id
Transfers – New Team Market
Transfers – New Team Name
Transfers – New Team Reference
Transfers – Notes
Transfers – Old Team Id
Transfers – Old Team Market
Transfers – Old Team Name
Transfers – Old Team Reference
Transfers – Start Date
Transfers – Update Date
Update Date
Weight (lbs)
Player Information available in:
Daily Change LogGame Time on IceSeries Statistics
Daily TransfersInjuriesTeam Leaders
Depth ChartsLeague LeadersTeam Profile
Game BoxscorePlayer ProfilePush Clock
Game FaceoffsSeasonal FaceoffsPush Events
Game Play-by-PlaySeasonal StatisticsPush Statistics
Game SummarySeries Faceoffs


State / Province
Venue Information available in:
Daily ScheduleGame SummarySchedule
Depth ChartsGame Time on IceSeries Schedule
Game FaceoffsLeague HierarchyTeam Profile

Game & Series

Away Team Alias
Away Team Id
Away Team Name
Away Team Points
Away Team Reference
Away Team Seeding
Broadcast – Cable
Broadcast – Internet
Broadcast – Network
Broadcast – Radio
Broadcast – Satellite
Entry Mode
Home Team Alias
Home Team Id
Home Team Name
Home Team Points
Home Team Reference
Home Team Seeding
Scheduled Start Date & Time
Series – Id
Series – Participant Name
Series – Participant Record
Series – Participant Seed
Series – Round
Series – Source – Game Id
Series – Source – Game Title
Series – Source – Outcome
Series – Source – Round
Series – Start Date
Series - Status
Series – Title
Game & Series Information available in:
Daily Change LogGame SummarySeries Statistics
Daily ScheduleGame Time on IcePush Clock
Game BoxscoreSchedulePush Events
Game FaceoffsSeries FaceoffsPush Statistics
Game Play-by-PlaySeries Schedule


Actual End Time
Actual Start Time
Away Team Flag
Away Team Game Score
Away Team Id
Away Team Market
Away Team Name
Away Team Overtime Points
Away Team Period Score
Away Team Reference
Away Team Shootout Points
Away Team SR Id
Away Team Strength
Duration (in game time)
Game Clock
Game Clock Running Flag
Game Official - Assignment
Game Official – Experience
Game Official – First Name
Game Official – Full Name
Game Official – Id
Game Official – Last Name
Game Official – Number
Game Official - Reference
Game Period
Home Team Flag
Home Team Game Score
Home Team Id
Home Team Market
Home Team Name
Home Team Overtime Points
Home Team Period Score
Home Team Reference
Home Team Shootout Points
Home Team SR Id
Home Team Strength
Lineups – Played
Lineups – Scratched
Lineups – Started
Overtime Number
Overtime Sequence
Period Id
Period Number
Period Sequence
Period Type
Shootout Number
Shootout Sequence
Stars of the Game – Player Full Name
Stars of the Game – Player Id
Stars of the Game – Player Jersey #
Stars of the Game – Player Position
Stars of the Game – Player Reference
Stars of the Game – Sequence
Stars of the Game – Team Id
Stars of the Game – Team Market
Stars of the Game – Team Name
Stars of the Game – Team Reference
Team Leader – Assists – Dominant Hand
Team Leader – Assists – First Name
Team Leader – Assists – Full Name
Team Leader – Assists – Id
Team Leader – Assists – Jersey Number
Team Leader – Assists – Last Name
Team Leader – Assists – Position
Team Leader – Assists – Primary Pos.
Team Leader – Assists – Reference
Team Leader – Assists – SR Id
Team Leader – Goals – Dominant Hand
Team Leader – Goals – First Name
Team Leader – Goals – Full Name
Team Leader – Goals – Id
Team Leader – Goals – Jersey Number
Team Leader – Goals – Last Name
Team Leader – Goals – Position
Team Leader – Goals – Primary Position
Team Leader – Goals – Reference
Team Leader – Goals – SR Id
Team Leader – Points – Dominant Hand
Team Leader – Points – First Name
Team Leader – Points – Full Name
Team Leader – Points – Id
Team Leader – Points – Last Name
Team Leader – Points – Jersey Number
Team Leader – Points – Position
Team Leader – Points – Primary Position
Team Leader – Points – Reference
Team Leader – Points – SR Id
Wall Clock
Boxscore Information available in:
Daily BoxscoreGame SummaryPush Events
Game FaceoffsGame Time on IcePush Statistics
Game Play-by-PlayPush Clock


Away Team Game Score
Away Team Id
Away Team Market
Away Team Name
Away Team Period Score
Away Team Reference
Away Team Strength
Event Attribution – Team Goal
Event Attribution – Team Id
Event Attribution – Team Market
Event Attribution – Team Name
Event Attribution – Team Reference
Event Clock
Event Description
Event Details – Goal Zone Flag
Event Details – Penalty Code
Event Details – Penalty Duration
Event Details – Penalty Type
Event Details – Reason
Event Details – Shot Distance
Event Details – Shot Type
Event Details – Stoppage Type
Event Id
Event Location – X Coordinate
Event Location – Y Coordinate
Event Participants – Player Full Name
Event Participants – Player Id
Event Participants – Jersey Number
Event Participants – Player Reference
Event Participants – Team Id
Event Participants – Team Market
Event Participants – Team Name
Event Participants – Team Reference
Event Type
Event Zone
Home Team Game Score
Home Team Id
Home Team Market
Home Team Name
Home Team Period Score
Home Team Reference
Home Team Strength
Official Flag
Period Id
Period Number
Period Sequence
Event Update Time
Wall Clock
Play-by-Play Information available in:
Game Play-by-PlayPush EventsPush Statistics
Push Clock

Play Details

Assist – Strength
Assist – Zone
Attempts Blocked - Strength
Attempts Blocked – Zone
Block – Strength
Block – Zone
Faceoffs – Strength
Faceoffs - Win Flag
Faceoffs – Zone
Giveaway – Strength
Giveaway – Zone
Hits – Hittee – Strength
Hits – Hittee – Zone
Hits – Hitter – Strength
Hits – Hitter – Zone
Missed Shot – Penalty Flag
Missed Shot – Shootout Flag
Missed Shot – Strength
Missed Shot – Zone
Penalty – Minutes
Penalty – Severity
Penalty – Strength
Penalty Drawn – Minutes
Penalty Drawn – Severity
Penalty Drawn – Strength
Penalty Served – Minutes
Penalty Served – Severity
Penalty Served – Strength
Shot – Awarded Flag
Shot – Goal Flag
Shot – Penalty Flag
Shot – Shootout Flag
Shot – Strength
Shot – Zone
Shot Against – Awarded Flag
Shot Against – Goal Flag
Shot Against – Penalty Flag
Shot Against – Saved Flag
Shot Against – Shootout Flag
Shot Against – Strength
Shot Against – Zone
Takeaway – Strength
Takeaway – Zone
Play Details Information available in:
Game Play-by-PlayPush ClockPush Events

Game Statistics - Team - Skaters

3v3 Goals
3v3 Shots on Goal
3v4 Goals
3v4 Shots on Goal
3v5 Goals
3v5 Shots on Goal
4v3 Goals
4v3 Opportunities
4v3 Shots on Goal
4v3 Time
4v4 Goals
4v4 Shots on Goal
4v5 Goals
4v5 Shots on Goal
5v3 Goals
5v3 Opportunities
5v3 Shots on Goal
5v3 Time
5v4 Goals
5v4 Opportunities
5v4 Shots on Goal
5v4 Time
5v5 Goals
5v5 Shots on Goal
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Shots
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goal Flag
Missed Shots
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Penalties Major
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Power Plays
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Opportunities
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Play Type
Shooting Pct
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoffs Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Short Handed Type
Shots on Goal
Team Penalties
Team Penalty Minutes
Game Statistics - Team - Skaters Information available in:
Game SummaryPush Statistics

Game Statistics - Team - Goaltending

Empty Net Even Strength Goals Against
Empty Net Goals Against
Empty Net Power Play Goals Against
Empty Net Short Handed Goals Against
Empty Net Shots Against
Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Total Goals Against
Total Shots Against
Total Time on Ice
Game Statistics - Team - Goaltending Information available in:
Game SummaryPush Statistics

Game Statistics - Player Skaters

Average Time on Ice
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Shots
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Even Strength Time on Ice
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goal Flag
Missed Shots
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Overtime Time on Ice
Penalties Major
Penalties Match
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Plus / Minus
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Play Time on Ice
Shooting Percentage
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Short Handed Time on Ice
Shots on Goal
Total Time on Ice
Game Statistics - Player Skaters Information available in:
Game BoxscoreGame SummaryPush Statistics

Game Statistics - Player - Goaltending

Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Shutout Flag
Game Statistics - Player - Goaltending Information available in:
Game SummaryPush Statistics

Period Statistics - Player - Skaters

Blocked Attempts
Blocked Shots
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Missed Shots
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Power Play Assists
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Shots on Goal
Shooting Percentage
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal
Period Statistics - Player - Skaters Information available in:
Game BoxscoreGame SummaryPush Statistics

Period Statistics - Player - Goaltending

Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Period Statistics - Player - Goaltending Information available in:
Game SummaryPush Statistics

Series Statistics - Team - Skaters

3v3 Goals
3v3 Shots on Goal
3v4 Goals
3v4 Shots on Goal
3v5 Goals
3v5 Shots on Goal
4v3 Goals
4v3 Opportunities
4v3 Shots on Goal
4v4 Goals
4v4 Shots on Goal
4v5 Goals
4v5 Shots on Goal
5v3 Goals
5v3 Opportunities
5v3 Shots on Goal
5v4 Goals
5v4 Opportunities
5v4 Shots on Goal
5v5 Goals
5v5 Shots on Goal
Assists per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Giveaways per Game
Goals per Game
Hits per Game
Missed Shots
Missed Shots per Game
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Penalties Major
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalties per Game
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Minutes per Game
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Points per Game
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Opportunities
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Play Type
Power Plays
Shooting Percentage
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoffs Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Short Handed Type
Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal per Game
Takeaways per Game
Team Penalties
Team Penalties per Game
Team Penalty Minutes
Team Penalty Minutes per Game
Series Statistics - Team - Skaters Information available in:
Series Statistics

Series Statistics - Team - Goaltending

Empty Net Even Strength Goals Against
Empty Net Goals Against
Empty Net Power Play Goals Against
Empty Net Short Handed Goals Against
Empty Net Shots Against
Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Goals Against per Game
Overtime Losses
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Shots Against per Game
Total Goals Against
Total Shots Against
Total Time on Ice
Series Statistics - Team - Goaltending Information available in:
Series Statistics

Series Statistics - Player - Skaters

Assists per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Games Scratched
Games Started
Giveaways per Game
Goals per Game
Hits per Game
Missed Shots
Missed Shots per Game
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Penalties Major
Penalties Match
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalties per Game
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Minutes per Game
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Plus / Minus
Points per Game
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Plays
Shifts per Game
Shooting Percentage
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal per Game
Stars – First Star
Stars – Second Star
Stars – Third Star
Takeaways per Game
Total Time on Ice
Total Time on Ice per Game
Series Statistics - Player - Skaters Information available in:
Series Statistics

Series Statistics - Player - Goaltending

Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Goals Against Average
Goals Against per Game
Overtime Losses
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Shots Against per Game
Series Statistics - Player - Goaltending Information available in:
Series Statistics

Series Statistics - Opponent - Skaters

3v3 Goals
3v3 Shots on Goal
3v4 Goals
3v4 Shots on Goal
3v5 Goals
3v5 Shots on Goal
4v3 Goals
4v3 Opportunities
4v3 Shots on Goal
4v4 Goals
4v4 Shots on Goal
4v5 Goals
4v5 Shots on Goal
5v3 Goals
5v3 Opportunities
5v3 Shots on Goal
5v4 Goals
5v4 Opportunities
5v4 Shots on Goal
5v5 Goals
5v5 Shots on Goal
Assists per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Giveaways per Game
Goals per Game
Hits per Game
Missed Shots
Missed Shots per Game
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Penalties Major
Penalties Match
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalties per Game
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Minutes per Game
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Points per Game
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Opportunities
Power Play Percentage
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Play Type
Power Plays
Shooting Percentage
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoffs Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Kill Percentage
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Opportunities
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Short Handed Type
Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal per Game
Takeaways per Game
Team Penalties
Team Penalties per Game
Team Penalty Minutes
Team Penalty Minutes per Game
Series Statistics - Opponent - Skaters Information available in:
Series Statistics

Series Statistics - Opponent - Goaltending

Empty Net Even Strength Goals Against
Empty Net Goals Against
Empty Net Power Play Goals Against
Empty Net Short Handed Goals Against
Empty Net Shots Against
Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Goals Against per Game
Overtime Losses
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Shots Against per Game
Total Goals Against
Total Shots Against
Total Time on Ice
Series Statistics - Opponent - Goaltending Information available in:
Series Statistics

Season Statistics - Team - Skaters

3v3 Goals
3v3 Shots on Goal
3v4 Goals
3v4 Shots on Goal
3v5 Goals
3v5 Shots on Goal
4v3 Goals
4v3 Opportunities
4v3 Shots on Goal
4v4 Goals
4v4 Shots on Goal
4v5 Goals
4v5 Shots on Goal
5v3 Goals
5v3 Opportunities
5v3 Shots on Goal
5v4 Goals
5v4 Opportunities
5v4 Shots on Goal
5v5 Goals
5v5 Shots on Goal
Assists per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Giveaways per Game
Goals per Game
Hits per Game
Missed Shots
Missed Shots per Game
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Penalties Major
Penalties Match
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalties per Game
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Minutes per Game
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Points per Game
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Opportunities
Power Play Percentage
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Play Type
Power Plays
Shooting Percentage
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoffs Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Kill Percentage
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Opportunities
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Short Handed Type
Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal per Game
Takeaways per Game
Team Penalties
Team Penalties per Game
Team Penalty Minutes
Team Penalty Minutes per Game
Season Statistics - Team - Skaters Information available in:
Seasonal Statistics

Season Statistics - Team - Goaltending

Empty Net Even Strength Goals Against
Empty Net Goals Against
Empty Net Power Play Goals Against
Empty Net Short Handed Goals Against
Empty Net Shots Against
Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Goals Against per Game
Overtime Losses
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Shots Against per Game
Total Goals Against
Total Shots Against
Season Statistics - Team - Goaltending Information available in:
Seasonal Statistics

Season Statistics - Player - Skaters

Assists per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Games Scratched
Games Started
Giveaways per Game
Goals per Game
Hits per Game
Missed Shots
Missed Shots per Game
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Penalties Major
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalties per Game
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Minutes per Game
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Plus / Minus
Points per Game
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Plays
Shifts per Game
Shooting Percentage
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal per Game
Takeaways per Game
Total Even Strength
Total Even Strength per Game
Total Overtime
Total Overtime per Game
Total Power Play
Total Power Play per Game
Total Short Handed
Total Short Handed per Game
Total Time on Ice
Total Time on Ice per Game
Season Statistics - Player - Skaters Information available in:
League LeadersPlayer ProfileSeasonal Statistics

Season Statistics - Player - Goaltending

Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Goals Against Average
Goals Against per Game
Overtime Losses
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Shots Against per Game
Season Statistics - Player - Goaltending Information available in:
League LeadersPlayer ProfileSeasonal Statistics

Season Statistics - Opponent - Skaters

3v3 Goals
3v3 Shots on Goal
3v4 Goals
3v4 Shots on Goal
3v5 Goals
3v5 Shots on Goal
4v3 Goals
4v3 Opportunities
4v3 Shots on Goal
4v4 Goals
4v4 Shots on Goal
4v5 Goals
4v5 Shots on Goal
5v3 Goals
5v3 Opportunities
5v3 Shots on Goal
5v4 Goals
5v4 Opportunities
5v4 Shots on Goal
5v5 Goals
5v5 Shots on Goal
Assists per Game
Blocked Attempts
Blocked Attempts per Game
Blocked Shots
Blocked Shots per Game
Empty Net Goals
Even Strength Assists
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Goals
Even Strength Missed Shots
Even Strength Shots on Goal
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Giveaways per Game
Goals per Game
Hits per Game
Missed Shots
Missed Shots per Game
Overtime Assists
Overtime Goals
Overtime Shots
Penalties Major
Penalties Match
Penalties Minor
Penalties Misconduct
Penalties per Game
Penalty Goals
Penalty Minutes
Penalty Minutes per Game
Penalty Missed Shots
Penalty Shots on Goal
Points per Game
Power Play Assists
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Goals
Power Play Missed Shots
Power Play Opportunities
Power Play Percentage
Power Play Shots on Goal
Power Play Type
Power Plays
Shooting Percentage
Shootout Goals
Shootout Missed Shots
Shootout Shots on Goal
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Faceoffs Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Kill Percentage
Short Handed Missed Shots
Short Handed Opportunities
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Short Handed Type
Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal per Game
Takeaways per Game
Team Penalties
Team Penalties per Game
Team Penalty Minutes
Team Penalty Minutes per Game
Season Statistics - Opponent - Skaters Information available in:
Seasonal Statistics

Season Statistics - Opponent - Goaltending

Empty Net Even Strength Goals Against
Empty Net Goals Against
Empty Net Power Play Goals Against
Empty Net Short Handed Goals Against
Empty Net Shots Against
Even Strength Goals Against
Even Strength Save Percentage
Even Strength Saves
Even Strength Shots Against
Goals Against
Goals Against per Game
Overtime Losses
Penalty Goals Against
Penalty Save Percentage
Penalty Saves
Penalty Shots Against
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Shootout Goals Against
Shootout Save Percentage
Shootout Saves
Shootout Shots Against
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Shots Against per Game
Total Goals Against
Total Shots Against
Season Statistics - Opponent - Goaltending Information available in:
Seasonal Statistics

Faceoff Details - Game - Team

Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Details - Game - Team Information available in:
Game Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Game - Player

3v3 Faceoff Win Pct
3v3 Faceoffs
3v3 Faceoffs Lost
3v3 Faceoffs Won
3v4 Faceoff Win Pct
3v4 Faceoffs
3v4 Faceoffs Lost
3v4 Faceoffs Won
3v5 Faceoff Win Pct
3v5 Faceoffs
3v5 Faceoffs Lost
3v5 Faceoffs Won
4v3 Faceoff Win Pct
4v3 Faceoffs
4v3 Faceoffs Lost
4v3 Faceoffs Won
4v4 Faceoff Win Pct
4v4 Faceoffs
4v4 Faceoffs Lost
4v4 Faceoffs Won
4v5 Faceoff Win Pct
4v5 Faceoffs
4v5 Faceoffs Lost
4v5 Faceoffs Won
5v3 Faceoff Win Pct
5v3 Faceoffs
5v3 Faceoffs Lost
5v3 Faceoffs Won
5v4 Faceoff Win Pct
5v4 Faceoffs
5v4 Faceoffs Lost
5v4 Faceoffs Won
5v5 Faceoff Win Pct
5v5 Faceoffs
5v5 Faceoffs Lost
5v5 Faceoffs Won
Defensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Defensive Zone Faceoffs
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Neutral Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Neutral Zone Faceoffs
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Lost
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Won
Offensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Offensive Zone Faceoffs
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Type
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Type
Faceoff Details - Game - Player Information available in:
Game Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Period - Player

Defensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Defensive Zone Faceoffs
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Neutral Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Neutral Zone Faceoffs
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Lost
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Won
Offensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Offensive Zone Faceoffs
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Details - Period - Player Information available in:
Game Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Series - Team

Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Details - Series - Team Information available in:
Series Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Series - Player

3v3 Faceoff Win Pct
3v3 Faceoffs
3v3 Faceoffs Lost
3v3 Faceoffs Won
3v4 Faceoff Win Pct
3v4 Faceoffs
3v4 Faceoffs Lost
3v4 Faceoffs Won
3v5 Faceoff Win Pct
3v5 Faceoffs
3v5 Faceoffs Lost
3v5 Faceoffs Won
4v3 Faceoff Win Pct
4v3 Faceoffs
4v3 Faceoffs Lost
4v3 Faceoffs Won
4v4 Faceoff Win Pct
4v4 Faceoffs
4v4 Faceoffs Lost
4v4 Faceoffs Won
4v5 Faceoff Win Pct
4v5 Faceoffs
4v5 Faceoffs Lost
4v5 Faceoffs Won
5v3 Faceoff Win Pct
5v3 Faceoffs
5v3 Faceoffs Lost
5v3 Faceoffs Won
5v4 Faceoff Win Pct
5v4 Faceoffs
5v4 Faceoffs Lost
5v4 Faceoffs Won
5v5 Faceoff Win Pct
5v5 Faceoffs
5v5 Faceoffs Lost
5v5 Faceoffs Won
Defensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Defensive Zone Faceoffs
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Neutral Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Neutral Zone Faceoffs
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Lost
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Won
Offensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Offensive Zone Faceoffs
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Type
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Type
Faceoff Details - Series - Player Information available in:
Series Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Series - Opponent

Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Details - Series - Opponent Information available in:
Series Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Season - Team

Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Details - Season - Team Information available in:
Seasonal Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Season - Player

3v3 Faceoff Win Pct
3v3 Faceoffs
3v3 Faceoffs Lost
3v3 Faceoffs Won
3v4 Faceoff Win Pct
3v4 Faceoffs
3v4 Faceoffs Lost
3v4 Faceoffs Won
3v5 Faceoff Win Pct
3v5 Faceoffs
3v5 Faceoffs Lost
3v5 Faceoffs Won
4v3 Faceoff Win Pct
4v3 Faceoffs
4v3 Faceoffs Lost
4v3 Faceoffs Won
4v4 Faceoff Win Pct
4v4 Faceoffs
4v4 Faceoffs Lost
4v4 Faceoffs Won
4v5 Faceoff Win Pct
4v5 Faceoffs
4v5 Faceoffs Lost
4v5 Faceoffs Won
5v3 Faceoff Win Pct
5v3 Faceoffs
5v3 Faceoffs Lost
5v3 Faceoffs Won
5v4 Faceoff Win Pct
5v4 Faceoffs
5v4 Faceoffs Lost
5v4 Faceoffs Won
5v5 Faceoff Win Pct
5v5 Faceoffs
5v5 Faceoffs Lost
5v5 Faceoffs Won
Defensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Defensive Zone Faceoffs
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Defensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Even Strength Type
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Neutral Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Neutral Zone Faceoffs
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Lost
Neutral Zone Faceoffs Won
Offensive Zone Faceoff Win Pct
Offensive Zone Faceoffs
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Lost
Offensive Zone Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Power Play Type
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Type
Faceoff Details - Season - Player Information available in:
Seasonal Faceoffs

Faceoff Details - Season - Opponent

Even Strength Faceoff Win Pct
Even Strength Faceoffs
Even Strength Faceoffs Lost
Even Strength Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Win Pct
Faceoffs Lost
Faceoffs Won
Power Play Faceoff Win Pct
Power Play Faceoffs
Power Play Faceoffs Lost
Power Play Faceoffs Won
Short Handed Faceoff Win Pct
Short Handed Faceoffs
Short Handed Faceoffs Lost
Short Handed Faceoffs Won
Faceoff Details - Season - Opponent Information available in:
Seasonal Faceoffs

Time on Ice Details - Game - Player

3v4 Time on Ice
3v5 Time on Ice
4v3 Time on Ice
4v5 Time on Ice
5v3 Time on Ice
5v4 Time on Ice
Average Time on Ice
Even Strength Time on Ice
Power Play Time on Ice
Power Play Type
Short Handed Time on Ice
Short Handed Type
Total Time on Ice
Time on Ice Details - Game - Player Information available in:
Game Time on Ice

Time on Ice Details - Period - Player

Average Time on Ice
Even Strength Time on Ice
Power Play Time on Ice
Shifts – Duration
Shifts – End Time
Shifts – Number
Shifts – Start Time
Short Handed Time on Ice
Total Time on Ice
Time on Ice Details - Period - Player Information available in:
Game Time on Ice

League Leaders - Player - Skaters

Category Name
Category Type
Faceoffs Won
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Goals per Game
Player Rank
Plus / Minus
Points per Game
Power Play Assists
Power Play Goals
Power Play Points
Power Play Shots on Goal
Shootout Goals
Short Handed Assists
Short Handed Goals
Short Handed Points
Short Handed Shots on Goal
Shots on Goal
Stat Category
Tied Flag
League Leaders - Player - Skaters Information available in:
League Leaders

League Leaders - Player - Goaltending

Category Name
Category Type
Games Played
Goals Against
Goals Against per Game
Overtime Losses
Player Rank
Power Play Goals Against
Power Play Save Percentage
Power Play Saves
Power Play Shots Against
Save Percentage
Short Handed Goals Against
Short Handed Save Percentage
Short Handed Saves
Short Handed Shots Against
Shots Against
Stat Category
Tied Flag
League Leaders - Player - Goaltending Information available in:
League Leaders

League Leaders - Player - Daily/Seasonal

Category Type
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Leaders Date
Penalty Minutes
Plus / Minus
Power Play Goals
Short Handed Goals
League Leaders - Player - Daily/Seasonal Information available in:
League Leaders

Team Leaders - Player - Daily/Seasonal

Category Type
Game Winning Goals
Games Played
Goals Against Average
Leaders Date
Overtime Losses
Penalty Minutes
Plus / Minus
Power Play Goals
Save Percentage
Short Handed Goals
Shots Against
Team Leaders - Player - Daily/Seasonal Information available in:
Team Leaders


Conference – Calculated Rank
Conference – Losses
Conference – OT Losses
Conference – Rank
Conference – Tiebreak
Conference – Win Pct
Conference – Wins
Division – Calculated Rank
Division – Losses
Division – OT Losses
Division – Rank
Division – Tiebreak
Division – Win Pct
Division – Wins
Games Played
Goal Differential
Goals Against
Goals For
Overtime Losses
Overtime Wins
Penalty Killing Percentage
Points Percentage
Points Per Game
Power Play Goals
Power Play Goals Against
Power Plays
Power Play Percentage
Power Plays Against
Regulation Wins
Regulation Overtime Wins
Shootout Losses
Shootout Wins
Winning Percentage
Win/Loss Streak
Standings Information available in:

Standings - Splits

Below win record statistics are available for: Games vs. Atlantic Division, Games vs. Central Division, Games vs. Metropolitan Division, Games vs. Pacific Division, Games vs. Eastern Conference, Games vs. Western Conference, Games Within Own Conference, Games Within Own Division, Home Games, Road Games, Last 10 Games, Last 10 Home Games, Last 10 Road Games

Overtime Losses
Winning Percentage
Goals For
Goals Against
Regulation Wins
Overtime Wins
Shootout Wins
Shootout Losses
Standings Split Information available in: