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Provides game info and statistics for the past 10 matches in which a given player participated.

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300s Time To Live / Cache

Data Points

Category & Sport:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
country_codesport_event_context - categoryStringCountry code for a sport event's category
ex. DEU (Germany)
idsport_event_context - categoryStringUnique category ID for a sport event
ex. sr:category:53
namesport_event_context - categoryStringName for a sport event's category
ex. Germany
idsport_event_context - sportStringUnique sport ID for a sport event
ex. sr:sport:6
namesport_event_context - sportStringName for a sport event's sport
ex. Handball
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
gendersport_event_context - competitionStringGender for a competition
men, women
idsport_event_context - competitionStringUnique ID for a competition
ex. sr:competition:161 (Handbollsligan)
namesport_event_context - competitionStringName of a competition
ex. Handbollsligan
parent_idsport_event_context - competitionStringUnique parent ID for a competition. Typically present for group stage or playoff competitions
ex. sr:competition:945 used to link competitions together, like the World Cup and the various qualifiers.
Coverage Properties:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
typesport_event - coverageStringType of coverage for a sport event
sport_event, competition
basic_play_by_playsport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies basic play-by-play is available for a group when true
basic_player_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies basic player stats is available for a group when true
basic_team_statssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies basic team stats is available for a group when true
goal_scorerssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies goal scorers are available for a group when true
lineupssport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesBooleanSignifies goal lineups are available for a group when true
scoressport_event - coverage - sport_event_propertiesStringDescribes the availability of scores as live or post-match
live, post
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idsport_event_context - groups - groupStringUnique ID for a sport event's group
ex. sr:league:83057 (Olympic Tournament 2024, Group A)
namesport_event_context - groups - groupStringName of a sport event's group
ex. Olympic Tournament 2024, Group A
group_namesport_event_context - groups - groupStringAbbreviated name of a sport event's group
ex. A
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
competition_sport_event_numbersport_event_context - roundIntegerSport event number within a competition. Used for competitions that have fixed match numbers.
cup_round_idsport_event_context - roundStringUnique ID for a sport event's cup round
ex. sr:cup_round:2029419
cup_round_number_of_sport_eventssport_event_context - roundIntegerNumber of events in a sport event's round
cup_round_sport_event_numbersport_event_context - roundIntegerNumber within the cup_round of a match ID. For example, 1st leg of 2
namesport_event_context - roundStringName of a sport event's round
ex. quarterfinal or final
numbersport_event_context - roundIntegerNumber of a sport event's round
other_sport_event_idsport_event_context - roundStringA linked sport event ID, typically in a two-legged tie
ex. sr:sport_event:47395897
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
competition_idsport_event_context - seasonStringUnique ID for the competition a season belongs to
ex. sr:competition:160 (EHF Euro)
disabledsport_event_context - seasonBooleanSignifies a season has been disabled when true
end_datesport_event_context - seasonDateEnd date of a season
ex. 2024-11-03
idsport_event_context - seasonStringUnique ID for a season
ex. sr:season:105127 (EHF Euro 2024)
namesport_event_context - seasonStringName of a season
ex. EHF Euro 2024
start_datesport_event_context - seasonDateStart date of a season
ex. 2024-03-29
yearsport_event_context - seasonStringYear of a season
ex. 23/24 or 2024
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
end_datesport_event_context - stageDateEnd date of a sport event's stage
ex. 2024-10-01
ordersport_event_context - stageIntegerOrder of a stage within a season
phasesport_event_context - stageStringName of a sport event's stage
ex. regular season, qualification, playoffs

See the enum_phase entry in our Handball OpenAPI spec for a complete list of valid phase enum values
start_datesport_event_context - stageDateStart date of a sport event's stage
ex. 2024-03-20
typesport_event_context - stageStringType of a sport event's stage
cup, league
yearsport_event_context - stageStringYear of a sport event's stage
ex. 23/24 or 2024
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
abbreviationcompetitors - competitorStringAbbreviation for a competitor name
ex. RNL (Rhein-Neckar Lowen)
age_groupcompetitors - competitorStringAge group of a competitor, when applicable
ex. U23
countrycompetitors - competitorStringCountry of a competitor
ex. Germany
country_codecompetitors - competitorStringCountry code of a competitor
ex. DEU (Germany)
gendercompetitors - competitorStringGender for a competitor
male, female
idcompetitors - competitorStringUnique ID for a competitor
ex. sr:competitor:4004 (Rhein-Neckar Lowen)
namecompetitors - competitorStringName for a competitor
ex. Rhein-Neckar Lowen
qualifiercompetitors - competitorStringDesignation of a competitor for a season
home, away
virtualcompetitors - competitorBooleanSignifies a competitor is a virtual team whan true. Used for placeholder teams in TBD vs TBD matchups.
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idcompetitor - players - playerStringUnique ID of a player
ex. sr:player:2300047
namecompetitor - players - playerStringName of a player
ex. Grupe, Magnus
Sport Event:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
countsport_event_conditions - attendanceIntegerAttendance for a sport event
ex. 13203
neutralsport_event_conditions - groundBooleanSignifies a neutral ground sport event when true
idsport_eventStringUnique ID of a sport event
ex. sr:sport_event:41192363
replaced_bysport_eventStringAn alternative sport event ID if the match is postponed and played at a later date
ex. sr:sport_event:41192363
resume_timesport_eventDateAn updated timestamp if there is a delay at the start or interruption during a match
ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00
start_timesport_eventDateStart time of a sport event
ex. 2024-03-26T20:00:00+00:00
start_time_confirmedsport_eventBooleanSignifies the start time of a sport event is confirmed when true
Period Scores:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
away_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerAway team inning score
home_scoresport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerHome team inning score
numbersport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreIntegerPeriod number
typesport_event_status - period_scores - period_scoreStringPeriod type
regular_period, overtime, penalties, awaiting_penalties, 1st_half, 2nd_half, pause, 1st_extra, 2nd_extra, awaiting_extra, extra_time_halftime, interrupted
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
idsport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringUnique ID for a referee
ex. sr:referee:1289328
namesport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringName of a referee
ex. Nachevski, Gjorgji
nationalitysport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringNationality of a referee
ex. North Macedonia
country_codesport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringCountry code of a referee
ex. MKD
typesport_event_conditions - referees - refereeStringType of a referee
ex. referee
Sport Event Status:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aggregate_away_scoresport_event_statusIntegerAggregate score (of multiple sport events) for the away team
aggregate_home_scoresport_event_statusIntegerAggregate score (of multiple sport events) for the home team
aggregate_winner_idsport_event_statusStringUnique ID of the aggregate score winner
ex. sr:competitor:44
away_normaltime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the away team in normal time
away_overtime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the away team in overtime
away_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the away team in the match
home_normaltime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the home team in normal time
home_overtime_scoresport_event_statusIntegerScore for the home team in overtime
home_scoresport_event_statusIntegerTotal score for the home team in the match
decided_by_fedsport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a match result was decided by the federation when true. For example, incomplete due to crowd disruption
match_statussport_event_statusStringStatus within a match. Provides more detail on the state of a match when live than status
ex. not_started, 2nd_half, ended, awaiting_penalties

See our Handball OpenAPI under enum_sport_event_match_status for a complete list of statuses
match_tiesport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a match ended in a tie when true
scount_abandonedsport_event_statusBooleanSignifies a match was abandoned by a scout when true
statussport_event_statusStringStatus of a match
ex. not_started, live, ended, closed

See our FAQ for a complete list of statuses and their definitions.
winner_idsport_event_statusStringUnique ID of the match winner
ex. sr:competitor:7578
Match Stats (Team):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team assists for a match
blockscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team blocks for a match
field_goalscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team field goals for a match
goals_concededcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team goals conceded for a match
goals_scoredcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team goals scored for a match
red_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team red cards for a match
savescompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team saves for a match
seven_m_goalscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team 7-meter throw goals for a match
shot_accuracycompetitor - statisticsFloatTeam shot accuracy percentage for a match
ex. 63.04
shotscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team shots for a match
shots_againstcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team shots against for a match
shots_off_goalcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team shots off goal for a match
shots_on_goalcompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team shots on goal for a match
stealscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team steals for a match
suspensionscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team suspensions for a match
technical_foulscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team technical fouls for a match
yellow_cardscompetitor - statisticsIntegerTotal team yellow cards for a match
Match Stats (Player):
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
assistsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer assists for a match
blocksplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer blocks for a match
field_goalsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer field goals for a match
goalkeeper_minutes_playedplayer - statisticsStringNumber of minutes played for a goalkeeper in a match
ex. 34:03
goals_concededplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of goals conceded for a goalkeeper in a match
goals_scoredplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer goals scored for a match
red_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer red cards for a match
save_accuracyplayer - statisticsFloatSave percentage for a goalkeeper in a match
ex. 34.78
savesplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of saves for a goalkeeper in a match
seven_m_goalsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer 7-meter goals for a match
seven_m_savesplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer 7-meter throw saves in a match
shot_accuracyplayer - statisticsFloatPlayer shot accuracy percentage for a match
ex. 63.04
shotsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots for a match
shots_againstplayer - statisticsIntegerNumber of shots against for a goalkeeper in a match
shots_off_goalplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots off goal for a match
shots_on_goalplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer shots on goal for a match
stealsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer steals for a match
suspensionsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer suspensions for a match
technical_foulsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer technical fouls for a match
yellow_cardsplayer - statisticsIntegerPlayer yellow cards for a match
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
capacityvenueIntegerCapacity of a venue
ex. 13200
changedvenueBooleanSignifies a venue has been changed when true
city_namevenueStringCity name of a venue
ex. Mannheim
country_codevenueStringCountry code of a venue
ex. DEU
country_namevenueStringCountry name of a venue
ex. Germany
idvenueStringUnique ID of a venue
ex. sr:venue:2010
map_coordinatesvenueStringCoordinates of a venue
ex. 49.463730,8.517570
namevenueStringName of a venue
ex. SAP Arena
reduced_capacityvenueBooleanOptional attribute signifying a venue has a restricted capacity when true
reduced_capacity_maxvenueIntegerValue of a venue's restrictued capacity
timezonevenueStringTimezone of a venue
ex. Europe/Berlin
Path Params
Defaults to trial

The access level of your API key

Defaults to en

2 letter code for supported languages

en (English)

English is the only fully supported language for this API. Click here for valid language codes and a tabular list of available languages per competition.

Defaults to sr:player:124683

ID of a given player

Defaults to json

Format returned

Query Params

Number to start the list of results from. Example: start=0


Number to limit the number of results. Minimum value is 1, maximum value is 200. Example: limit=200


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