Get started with NFL v6
Please note that the current, stable version of our NFL API is v7. We suggest integrating with this version.
To best utilize the NFL API v6, you will need several parameters to create your API calls. The map below illustrates how you can obtain the parameters you need.
Primary and additional feeds only require dates or human-readable parameters, while other feeds require a global unique identifier (GUID) to identify the game, team, or player that the feed will describe. The primary feeds provide GUIDs for games and teams, while games and teams provide GUIDS for players.
Data Retrieval Examples
To find the team a player was drafted by:
- Call the season or weekly schedule and find a Game Id that they played in
- Call the Game Roster using the Game Id to get the Player Id
- Call the Player Profile and locate the Player Draft Team Alias.
The Alias maps to the team that drafted the player.
To find a teams number of defensive sacks:
- Call the season or weekly schedule and find the desired Team Id
- Call the Seasonal Statistics using the Team Id
- Locate the Team Defense Sacks.
The teams number of defensive sacks is displayed.
Integration Links
Postman Workspace
Our entire Media APIs are available on Postman. Click the link above to be taken directly to our NFL API collection. Please note that this collection is specific to the current version (v7).
Feel free to follow and/or fork any collections to receive updates.
Schema Download
Open the zip file below to access our entire NFL API XSD schema.
Data Entry Workflow
Pregame Transactions (Before Kickoff)
Inactive players entered (90 minutes prior to each game)
Player Participation Completed (1 hour after completion of the game)
Games Scrubbed and Moved to Closed (1 hour after completion of the game)
Depth Charts for Monday Night NFL Game (Midnight CT)
Update NFL Rankings (Midnight CT)
NFL Transactions (All Day)
Inactive players entered (90 minutes prior to each game)
Player Participation Completed (1 hour after completion of the game)
Games Scrubbed and Moved to Closed (1 hour after completion of the game)
NFL Injury Updates for Thursday Night Game (10pm CT)
Update NFL Rankings (Midnight CT)
TV Broadcast Information Updated for NFL Games (End of Day)
NFL Transactions (All Day)
Check NFL Seasonal Stats (All Day)
NFL Injury Report for Thursday Night Game (8pm CT)
NFL Thursday Night Game Initialized (8pm CT)
NFL Injury Updates for Sunday Games (10pm CT)
Weekly stats changes (Evening)
Depth Charts for NFL Thursday Night Game (Midnight CT)
NFL Transactions (All Day)
Inactive players entered (90 minutes prior to each game)
Player Participation Completed (1 hour after completion of the game)
Games Scrubbed and Moved to Closed (1 hour after completion of the game)
NFL Injury Updates for Sunday and Monday Games (10pm CT)
Update NFL Rankings (Midnight CT)
Check NFL Seasonal Stats (All Day)
NFL Transactions (All Day)
NFL Injury Report for Sunday games (8pm CT)
NFL Sunday Games Initialized (8pm CT)
NFL Injury Updates for Monday Night Game (10pm CT)
Depth Charts for Sunday NFL Games (Midnight CT)
Check NFL Seasonal Stats (All Day)
NFL Transactions (All Day)
NFL Injury Report for Monday Night Game (8pm CT)
NFL Monday Night Game Initialized (8pm CT)
NFL Transactions (All Day)