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NFL Team Draft Summary provides pre-draft pick order with live pick selections during the draft for a given team.


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Data Points

Draft Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
end_datedraftDateEnd date of a draft
ex. 2022-04-30
iddraftGUIDUnique ID of a draft
ex. 01c63362-299c-48a0-b725-63fa18fca261
start_datedraftDateStart date of a draft
ex. 2022-04-30
statusdraftStringStatus of a draft
ex. closed
aliaspick-teamStringDraft team alias
ex. MIN (Minnesota)
idpick-teamGUIDUnique ID of a draft team
ex. 82d2d380-3834-4938-835f-aec541e5ece7
marketpick-teamStringDraft team market name
ex. Minnesota
namepick-teamStringDraft team name
ex. Vikings
yeardraftIntegerYear of a draft
Pick Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
compensatorypickBooleanSignifies a compensatory draft pick
idpickGUIDUnique ID of a draft pick
ex. ca6b8dae-e835-49e4-9638-b30cdd3969a8
numberpickIntegerNumber of a draft pick within a round
overallpickIntegerOverall number of a draft pick
tradedpickBooleanSignifies a traded draft pick
idpick-trades-tradeGUIDUnique ID of a trade
ex. 3fc4ffa0-fe54-4d9a-bf53-e85df0e2cefd
Round Info:
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
end_dateroundDateEnd date of a round
ex. 2022-04-30
idroundGUIDUnique ID of a round
ex. 2e9eee59-fdc4-4dbf-bafa-b1cc80976fdb
numberroundIntegerNumber of a round
start_dateroundDateStart date of a round
ex. 2022-04-30
statusroundStringStatus of a round
ex. closed
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
channelbroadcastStringName of the game's broadcast channel
internetbroadcastStringName of the game's internet stream
networkbroadcastStringName of the game's broadcast network
ex. Amazon Prime Video
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
aliasleagueStringAlias of a league
ex. NFL
idleagueGUIDUnique ID of a league
ex. 3c6d318a-6164-4290-9bbc-bf9bb21cc4b8
nameleagueStringName of a league
ex. National Football League
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
birth_placeprospectStringBirthplace of a player
ex. Tyler, TX, USA
experienceprospectStringExperience of a college player
ex. JR or SR
first_nameprospectStringFirst name of a player
ex. Patrick
heightprospectIntegerHeight in inches
idprospectGUIDUnique ID of a player
ex. 11cad59d-90dd-449c-a839-dddaba4fe16c
last_nameprospectStringLast name of a player
ex. Mahomes
league_idprospectGUIDUnique ID of a player's league
ex. 5250f409-d4d7-48ac-adf4-35c3561ffad1
nameprospectStringFull name of a player
ex. Patrick Mahomes
positionprospectStringPosition of a player
See our FAQ for a list of valid positions
source_idprospectGUIDUnique ID of a player's source team
ex. 9fe7c9f9-5830-4e22-953d-054a44342323
team_nameprospectStringName of college or team
ex. Texas Tech
top_prospectprospectBooleanSignifies a top prospect
weightprospectDecimalWeight in lbs
AttributeParent ElementTypeDescription
addressvenueStringAddress of a draft venue
ex. 100 Alfred Lerner Way
cityvenueStringCity of a draft venue
ex. Cleveland
countryvenueStringCountry of a draft venue
ex. USA
namevenueStringName of a draft venue
ex. FirstEnergy Stadium
roof_typevenueStringRoof type of a venue
statevenueStringState of a draft venue
ex. OH
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