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MLB Statcast - Event Tracking Metrics

MLB Statcast - Event Tracking Metrics

Use this dictionary to reference all Statcast metrics available in the MLB Event Tracking endpoint.

Please note that all metrics are optional and are added when data is available.


Opportunity Time (_z0)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release to the batted ball's return to ground level (z0).
Exit VelocityBattingMPHThe speed of a batted ball immediately after bat-on-ball contact.
Batted Ball Travel Time (_z0)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until its return to ground level (z0).
Launch AngleBattingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial hit trajectory above or below the level xy-plane.
Hit TypeBattingStringTrajectory (grounder, line drive, fly ball, pop up) based on average launch trajectory for all batted balls.
Barreled BallBattingStringThe classification assigned to a batted ball when comparable batted balls (in terms of exit velocity and launch angle) have historically led to a minimum .500 batting average and 1.500 slugging percentage.
Spin Axis OctantsBattingStringA categorization of the orientation of the batted ball's revolutions.
Hit Launch DirectionBattingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial hit trajectory to the left or the right of the level yz-plane.
Projected Hit DistanceBattingFeetThe projected distance from the tip of home plate to the hypothetical landing point at ground level (z0) on over-the-fence home runs.
Hang TimeBattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Exit VelocityBattingMPHThe speed of a batted ball immediately after bat-on-ball contact.
Launch VectorBattingStringThe initial hit trajectory on the xy-plane, classified into one of five equally divided sections of fair territory: dead pull, pull, straightaway, opposite field, or extreme opposite field.
Launch AngleBattingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial hit trajectory above or below the level xy-plane.
Hang TimeBattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Home Run TrotBattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to when the batter reaches home plate on a home run.
Hit DistanceBattingFeetThe distance from the tip of home plate to the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Projected Hit DistanceBattingFeetThe projected distance from the tip of home plate to the hypothetical landing point at ground level (z=0) on over-the-fence home runs.
Hit TypeBattingStringTrajectory (grounder, line drive, fly ball, pop up) based on average launch trajectory for all batted balls.
Max HeightBattingFeetThe measured height (or projected height when not measured) of the batted ball at the apex of the trajectory.
Estimated Generated VelocityBattingMPHAn estimate of the amount of a hit's exit velocity was generated by the force imparted on the ball by the batter's swing.
Estimated Swing SpeedBattingMPHAn estimate of the speed of the bat at bat-on-ball contact based on the incoming pitch speed and the outgoing exit velocity.
Hit Travel TimeBattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to contact by a fielder on any batted ball.
Hit Travel DistanceBattingFeetThe distance covered by the ball from bat-on-ball contact to contact by a fielder on any batted ball.
Hit Spin RateBattingRPMThe total rate of rotation of the batted ball immediately after contact.
Hit Spin AngleBattingDegreesThe angle that describes the active spin axis of the batted ball, which lies in the plane transverse to the ball's velocity and it reflects how the spin will influence the ball trajectory.

Pure back-spin is 180 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 1B side is 90 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 3B side is 270 degrees, and pure top-spin is 0 or 360 degrees.
Barreled BallBattingStringThe classification assigned to a batted ball when comparable batted balls (in terms of exit velocity and launch angle) have historically led to a minimum .500 batting average and 1.500 slugging percentage.
Hit TrajectoryBattingJSONThe position of the ball from the bat-on-ball contact in 0.5-second intervals until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Spin Axis OctantsBattingStringA categorization of the orientation of the batted ball's revolutions.
Batted Ball Travel Time (_z0)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until its return to ground level (z = 0).
Batted Ball Travel Time (_z8)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until its return to eight feet above ground level (z = 8).
Batted Ball Travel Time (_zi)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Batted Ball Travel Time (_zf)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until the batted ball is fielded or otherwise comes to a stop.
Opportunity Time (_z0)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release to the batted ball's return to ground level (z = 0).
Opportunity Time (_z8)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release until the batted ball's return to eight feet above ground level (z = 8).
Opportunity Time (_zi)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Opportunity Time (_zi)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Projected Landing PositionBattingJSONThe point on the batted ball's trajectory corresponding to ground level (z = 0).
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_z0)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to the batted ball's position upon its return to ground level (z = 0).
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_z8)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to the ball's position upon its return to eight feet above ground level (z = 8).
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_zi)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to its position at first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_zf)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to its position when the ball is fielded or otherwise comes to a stop.
Hit Launch DirectionBattingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial hit trajectory to the left or the right of the level yz-plane.
Ball Height at the FenceBattingFeetThe height of the ball as it crosses the vertical plane of the fence.
Projected Distance of Ball From FenceBattingFeetThe straight line distance between the projected landing position of the batted ball and the top of the fence at the same bearing.
Wall Ball ClassificationBattingFeetA classification of a batted ball's projected contact with an outfield wall, either Unplayable (more than eight feet up on the wall) or Playable (less than eight feet up on the wall or within eight feet short of the base of the wall).
Hit Tracking PercentageBattingPct (%)The ratio of the last measured distance of the batted ball to the projected landing distance.
Hit Landing BearingBattingDegreesAngle between home plate and where the ball landed.
Attack AngleBattingDegreesThe angle of the bat’s path, at impact, relative to horizontal. A negative value represents swinging downward, a positive value upward.
Bat SpeedBattingMPHThe speed of the sweet spot right before contact.
Distance from Sweet SpotBattingInchesDistance of the shortest straight line from the ball's impact point to the sweet spot's edge.

Sweet spot is defined by an oval of the equation 0.18(x+0.844)^2 + 13.97(y)^2 = 1, where x is the axial offset, y is the radial offset, and x=0, y=0 is the sweet spot given by Hawk-Eye. Impact points within the sweet spot oval have a value of 0.
SwordBattingBooleanIdentifies a swing and miss as a “sword ” when the bat tracking data meets a set of criteria that indicate a slow and incomplete swing.

A swing event will qualify as a sword (metric_value = “1”) if all of the below are true:

1. Is a swinging strike and no contact is made.
2. The maximum swing speed is in the 10th percentile of all swing speeds.
3. The bat speed falls below 20 mph in any of the final 10 frames collected (swing incomplete).
4. The bat head does not return back through the y=2 ft plane (swing incomplete).
Swing LengthBattingFeetThe swing length for any tracked swing. Swing length is the total distance traveled by the bat sweet spot across all tracked frames prior to impact time and is reported in feet.
Hit ProbabilityBattingPct (%)The likelihood that a batted ball will be a hit.
Home Run in X BallparksBattingNumberThe number of parks that the batted ball would have been a homerun.
Expected SluggingBattingPct (%)Expected number of total bases for this batted ball, based on the probability of each event (single, double, triple home run) occurring given the batted ball’s exit velocity, launch angle and, on certain types of batted balls, Sprint Speed.
Expected wOBABattingPct (%)Expected weighted on base average for this batted ball, based on the adjusted run expectancy of each batting event (single, double, triple, home run) times the probability of each event occurring given the batted ball’s exit velocity, launch angle and, on certain types of batted balls, Sprint Speed.


Plate Time (_yi)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until bat-on-ball contact.
Perceived Pitch VelocityPitchingMPHThe speed of the pitch at release adjusted for the relative amount of time between pitch release and plate crossing. Perceived velocity (mph) (1/0.96)(60.5 ft-1.417ft - ) /[( (1.467 ft/sec per mph)]
Plate Time (_y0)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until the pitched ball is projected to reach the back tip of home plate (the y0 plane).
Spin RatePitchingRPMThe total rate of rotation of the ball during the pitch's flight.
Vertical BreakPitchingFeetThe vertical (z) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front of home plate if it had moved on a straight line following its release trajectory.
Inferred Sidespin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the vertical axis.
Inferred Backspin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the horizontal axis (in the same orientation of a line between 1st and 3rd).
Regular SpeedPitchingMPHThe speed of a pitch at release.
Plate Time (_y17)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until the ball is projected to reach the front on home plate (the y17 inches plane).
Revolutions Hand to PlatePitchingRevolutionsThe number of revolutions of the ball between the pitcher's release point and when it crosses the front of home plate.
ExtensionPitchingFeetThe distance from the pitching rubber to release point in the y-direction (from rubber to home plate).
Attack ZonesPitchingCategoryThe categorical zone of the pitch's location at plate crossing based on the distance between its position at the front of home plate and the center of the batter's relative strike zone. These zones (from closest to farthest) are Heart Of Plate, Shadow Zone, Chase Zone, or OZone.
Inferred Gyrospin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball about the direction it is moving.
Horizontal BreakPitchingFeetThe horizontal (x) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front of home plate if it had moved on a straight line following its release trajectory.
Spin RatePitchingRPMThe total rate of rotation of the ball during the pitch's flight.
ExtensionPitchingFeetThe distance from the pitching rubber to release point in the y-direction (from rubber to home plate).
Regular SpeedPitchingMPHThe speed of a pitch at release.
Pitcher ReleasePitchingSecondsThe time from pitcher's first movement to release point of the pitch.
Perceived Pitch VelocityPitchingMPHThe speed of the pitch at release adjusted for the relative amount of time between pitch release and plate crossing.

Perceived velocity (mph) = (1/0.96)(60.5 ft-1.417ft - ) /[( (1.467 ft/sec per mph)]
Pitching PositionPitchingStringThe position the pitcher is using when making a pitch (windup or stretch).
Spin AnglePitchingDegreesThe angle that describes the active spin
axis of the pitched ball, which lies in the plane transverse to the ball's velocity and it reflects how the spin will influence the ball trajectory.

Pure back-spin is 180 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 1B side is 90 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 3B side is 270 degrees, and pure top-spin is 0 or 360 degrees.
Plate Time (_y0)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until the pitched ball is projected to reach the back tip of home plate (the y = 0 plane).
Plate Time (_y17)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until the ball is projected to reach the front on home plate (the y = 17 inches plane).
Plate Time (_yi)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until bat-on-ball contact.
Distance to Catcher's MittPitchingFeetThe distance from the mitt position (estimated as the catcher's center-of-mass position at pitch release plus 2 feet in the positive y and z directions) to the point on the pitch's trajectory where it crosses the mitt position y and z coordinates.
Vertical BreakPitchingFeetThe vertical (z) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front of home plate if it had moved on a straight line following its release trajectory.
Vertical Break InducedPitchingFeetThe vertical (z) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front plate if it had continued on its release trajectory with only the force of gravity acting upon it.
Horizontal BreakPitchingFeetThe horizontal (x) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front of home plate if it had moved on a straight line following its release trajectory.
Plate SpeedPitchingMPHThe speed of the ball as it crosses the front of home plate.
Pitch Launch DirectionPitchingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial pitch trajectory to the left or the right of the level yz-plane.
Pitch Launch AnglePitchingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial pitch trajectory above or below the level xy-plane.
Revolutions Hand To PlatePitchingRevolutionsThe number of revolutions of the ball between the pitcher's release point and when it crosses the front of home plate.
Inferred Backspin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the horizontal axis (in the same orientation of a line between 1st and 3rd).
Inferred Sidespin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the vertical axis.
Inferred Gyrospin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball about the direction it is moving.
Relative Strike Zone LocationPitchingInchesThe distance between the location of the ball as it crosses home plate and the center of the strike zone.
Relative Strike Zone Location XPitchingPct (%)The ratio of the distance (in the horizontal direction) between the location of the ball as it crosses home plate and the center of the strike zone, divided by the horizontal edge of the strike zone. -100% would be a ball that crosses at the left edge of the zone, 0% would be a ball that crosses over the center, 100% would be a ball that crosses at the right edge of the zone.
Relative Strike Zone Location ZPitchingPct (%)The ratio of the distance (in the vertical direction) of the ball from the center of the batter's relative strike zone as it crosses it divided by the vertical edge of the strike zone. -100% would be a ball that crosses at the bottom of the zone, 0% would be a ball that crosses over the center, 100% would be a ball that crosses at top of the zone.
Attack ZonesPitchingCategoryThe categorical zone of the pitch's location at plate crossing based on the distance between its position at the front of home plate and the center of the batter's relative strike zone. These zones (from closest to farthest) are Heart Of Plate, Shadow Zone, Chase Zone, or OZone.
Plate Location XPitchingFeetLocation of the pitched ball at the front of home plate in the horizontal plane, negative values are toward third base, positive values toward first base.
Plate Location YPitchingFeetLocation of the pitched ball at the front of home plate in the vertical plane, with 0 being the back tip of home plate and positive numbers in the upward direction.
Active Spin AnglePitchingDegreesThe calculated spin angle of the pitched ball based off its measured sidespin and backspin.

The formula is DEGREES(ATAN2(backspin,-sidespin))+18 0.
BackspinPitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the horizontal axis (in the same orientation of a line between 1st and 3rd).
SidespinPitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the vertical axis.
GyrospinPitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball about the direction it is moving.
Intended Pitch LocationPitchingFeetAn approximation of the position of the catcher’s mitt at the time of pitch release, estimated as the catcher's center-of-mass position at pitch release plus 2 feet in the positive y and z directions.


Key StepBaserunningSecondsThe time it takes for the batter to cover the first three feet towards first base.
Lead DistanceBaserunningFeetThe distance between the base and the runner’s center of mass position at the time the pitcher goes into windup on pitch or pickoff attempt.
Extra Bases – 2nd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on second base reaches home plate.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups – 2nd to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the second base runner's arrival at third base after a tag up.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups – 1st to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the first base runner's arrival at second base after a tag up.
Secondary Lead DistanceBaserunningFeetThe distance between the base and the runner’s center of mass position at any point prior to the pitcher's release of a pitch or pickoff attempt.
Speed in the Last SecondsBaserunningJSONAn array listing the baserunner's average speed over multiple intervals of the last N seconds before reaching the next base.
Baserunner MarkersBaserunningJSONAn array of a baserunner's positions at various points throughout the play.
Extra Bases - 1st to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on first base reaches third base.
Extra Bases - 1st to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on first base reaches home plate.
Extra Bases - Home to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches third base.
BurstBaserunningFeetThe distance covered by the batter during the first 1.5 seconds after the first three feet towards first are completed.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups - 3rd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the third base runner's arrival at home after a tag up.
Sprint SpeedBaserunningFeet per secondThe running speed of a player evaluated over the one-second window in which the player covered the largest distance.
Extra Bases - Home to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches second base.
Home to FirstBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches first base only on infield events (ground outs, infield singles, etc.).
Lead DistanceBaserunningFeetThe distance between the base and the runner’s center of mass position at the time the pitcher goes into windup on pitch or pickoff attempt.
Secondary Lead DistanceBaserunningFeetThe distance between the base and the runner’s center of mass position at any point prior to the pitcher's release of a pitch or pickoff attempt.
Home to FirstBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches first base only on infield events (ground outs, infield singles, etc.).
Extra Bases - Home to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches second base.
Extra Bases - Home to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches third base.
Extra Bases - 1st to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on first base reaches third base.
Extra Bases - 1st to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on first base reaches home plate.
Extra Bases - 2nd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on second base reaches home plate.
First step (stealing)BaserunningSecondsThe time from pitcher's first movement to runner’s first movement towards next base on a steal attempt.
Time to Next Base - 1st to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the first base runner's arrival at second base on any non-home-run hits.
Time to Next Base - 2nd to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the second base runner's arrival at third base on any non-home-run hits.
Time to Next Base - 3rd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the third base runner's arrival at home plate on any non-home-run hits.
Base Steal Time - 1st to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from first movement of the pitcher to when the first base runner reaches second on a steal attempt.
Base Steal Time - 2nd to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from first movement of the pitcher to when the second base runner reaches third on a steal attempt.
Base Steal Time - 3rd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from first movement of the pitcher to when the third base runner reaches home on a steal attempt.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups - 1st to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the first base runner's arrival at second base after a tag up.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups - 2nd to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the second base runner's arrival at third base after a tag up.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups - 3rd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the third base runner's arrival at home after a tag up.
First Step on Tag UpsBaserunningSecondsThe time from the fielder's catch to the runner's first movement towards next base after a tag up.
Distance from Base on ThrowBaserunningFeetThe distance the baserunner is from the next base when the ball is caught at that base for a force out.
Sprint SpeedBaserunningFeet per secondThe running speed of a player evaluated over the one-second window in which the player covered the largest distance.
Baserunner MarkersBaserunningJSONAn array of a baserunner's positions at various points throughout the play.
Speed in the Last SecondsBaserunningJSONAn array listing the baserunner's average speed over multiple intervals of the last N seconds before reaching the next base.
Time out of Batters BoxBaserunningFeetThe time from bat-on-ball contact to when the batter exits the batter's box.
Key StepBaserunningSecondsThe time it takes for the batter to cover the first three feet towards first base.
BurstBaserunningFeetThe distance covered by the batter during the first 1.5 seconds after the first three feet towards first are completed.


Throw DistanceFielders (C)FeetThe distance a thrown ball travels until it is caught or first contacts the ground.
Pick-Off Steal ExchangeFielders (C)SecondsThe time from the catcher receiving the pitch to releasing the throw on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
Exchange DistanceFielders (C)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between the ball reaching the fielder's glove and the release point of the subsequent throw.
Fielder Routing DistanceFielders (C)FeetThe difference between the total distance covered by the fielder during the first three seconds after pitch release minus the distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Fielder Burst DistanceFielders (C)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between 1.5 and 3.0 seconds after pitch release.
Throw Distance with BouncesFielders (C)FeetTotal distance the ball was thrown by fielder, including bounces.
Pop TimeFielders (C)SecondsThe time from the pitch reaching the catcher's glove to the subsequent throw reaching the fielder's glove at the intended base on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
Fielder Reaction DistanceFielders (C)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder during the first 1.5 seconds after pitch release.
Arm StrengthFielders (C)MPHThe maximum speed of a throw made by a fielder.
ExchangeFielders (C)SecondsThe time from the ball reaching the fielder's glove to the release point of the subsequent throw.
Distance CoveredFielders (C)FeetThe distance covered by a fielder in the time between batted ball contact and the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder. Requires a HIT_WAS_FIELDED or BALL_WAS_CAUGHT event associated with the fielder.
Speed in the Last SecondsFielders (C)JSONAn array listing the baserunner's average speed over multiple intervals of the last N seconds before reaching the next base.
Pop TimeFielders (IF)SecondsThe time from the pitch reaching the catcher's glove to the subsequent throw reaching the fielder's glove at the intended base on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
Throw DistanceFielders (IF)FeetThe distance a thrown ball travels until it is caught or first contacts the ground.
Fielder Burst DistanceFielders (IF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between 1.5 and 3.0 seconds after pitch release.
Exchange DistanceFielders (IF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between the ball reaching the fielder's glove and the release point of the subsequent throw.
Speed in the Last SecondsFielders (IF)JSONAn array listing the baserunner's average speed over multiple intervals of the last N seconds before reaching the next base.
Sprint SpeedFielders (IF)Feet per secondThe running speed of a player evaluated over the one-second window in which the player covered the largest distance.
Arm StrengthFielders (IF)MPHThe maximum speed of a throw made by a fielder.
Fielding ZoneFielders (IF)StringA categorization of fielder responsibility based on the batted ball's location and the hitter's bat side (R/L).

See below for valid fielding zones.
Fielder Reaction DistanceFielders (IF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder during the first 1.5 seconds after pitch release.
ExchangeFielders (IF)SecondsThe time from the ball reaching the fielder's glove to the release point of the subsequent throw.
Distance CoveredFielders (IF)FeetThe distance covered by a fielder in the time between batted ball contact and the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder. Requires a HIT_WAS_FIELDED or BALL_WAS_CAUGHT event associated with the fielder.
Fielder Routing DistanceFielders (IF)FeetThe difference between the total distance covered by the fielder during the first three seconds after pitch release minus the distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Throw Distance with BouncesFielders (IF)FeetTotal distance the ball was thrown by fielder, including bounces.
Route to Sprint SpeedFielders (IF)DegreesThe angle of the fielder's route between his position at pitch release and his position when he started his fastest one-second window. 0 degrees is straight in to home plate, and +90 is towards the fielder's right.
Fielder Reaction DistanceFielders (OF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder during the first 1.5 seconds after pitch release.
Fielding ZoneFielders (OF)StringA categorization of fielder responsibility based on the batted ball's location and the hitter's bat side (R/L).

See below for valid fielding zones.
Outfielder Distance to FenceFielders (OF)FeetThe distance an outfielder is from the closest point of the outfield fence at the start of the play.
Distance CoveredFielders (OF)FeetThe distance covered by a fielder in the time between batted ball contact and the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder. Requires a HIT_WAS_FIELDED or BALL_WAS_CAUGHT event associated with the fielder.
Pop TimeFielders (OF)SecondsThe time from the pitch reaching the catcher's glove to the subsequent throw reaching the fielder's glove at the intended base on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
ExchangeFielders (OF)SecondsThe time from the ball reaching the fielder's glove to the release point of the subsequent throw.
Throw Distance with BouncesFielders (OF)FeetTotal distance the ball was thrown by fielder, including bounces.
Throw DistanceFielders (OF)FeetThe distance a thrown ball travels until it is caught or first contacts the ground.
Exchange DistanceFielders (OF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between the ball reaching the fielder's glove and the release point of the subsequent throw.
Fielder Routing DistanceFielders (OF)FeetThe difference between the total distance covered by the fielder during the first three seconds after pitch release minus the distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Speed in the Last SecondsFielders (OF)JSONAn array listing the baserunner's average speed over multiple intervals of the last N seconds before reaching the next base.
Route to Sprint SpeedFielders (OF)DegreesThe angle of the fielder's route between his position at pitch release and his position when he started his fastest one-second window. 0 degrees is straight in to home plate, and +90 is towards the fielder's right.
Arm StrengthFielders (OF)MPHThe maximum speed of a throw made by a fielder.
Fielder Burst DistanceFielders (OF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between 1.5 and 3.0 seconds after pitch release.
Sprint SpeedFielders (OF)Feet per secondThe running speed of a player evaluated over the one-second window in which the player covered the largest distance.
Exchange DistanceFielders (P)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between the ball reaching the fielder's glove and the release point of the subsequent throw.
Distance CoveredFielders (P)FeetThe distance covered by a fielder in the time between batted ball contact and the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder. Requires a HIT_WAS_FIELDED or BALL_WAS_CAUGHT event associated with the fielder.
ExchangeFielders (P)SecondsThe time from the ball reaching the fielder's glove to the release point of the subsequent throw.
Route to Sprint SpeedFielders (P)DegreesThe angle of the fielder's route between his position at pitch release and his position when he started his fastest one-second window. 0 degrees is straight in to home plate, and +90 is towards the fielder's right.
Fielder Routing DistanceFielders (P)FeetThe difference between the total distance covered by the fielder during the first three seconds after pitch release minus the distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Throw DistanceFielders (P)FeetThe distance a thrown ball travels until it is caught or first contacts the ground.
Speed in the Last SecondsFielders (P)JSONAn array listing the baserunner's average speed over multiple intervals of the last N seconds before reaching the next base.
Throw Distance with BouncesFielders (P)FeetTotal distance the ball was thrown by fielder, including bounces.
Arm StrengthFielders (P)MPHThe maximum speed of a throw made by a fielder.
Fielder Burst DistanceFielders (P)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between 1.5 and 3.0 seconds after pitch release.
Fielder Reaction DistanceFielders (P)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder during the first 1.5 seconds after pitch release.
Sprint SpeedFielders (P)Feet per secondThe running speed of a player evaluated over the one-second window in which the player covered the largest distance.
Arm StrengthFieldingMPHThe maximum speed of a throw made by a fielder.
First Step EfficiencyFielding (IF / OF)DegreesThe angle of fielder deviation from a straight line to the ball's landing point. The calculation is based on the direction of the player's movement after three feet (roughly the first stride in a direction).
Distance CoveredFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance covered by a fielder in the time between batted ball contact and the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
(C / P / IF / OF)
SecondsThe time from the ball reaching the fielder's glove to the release point of the subsequent throw.
Pick-Off Steal ExchangeFielding (C)SecondsThe time from the catcher receiving the pitch to releasing the throw on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
Pop TimeFielding (C)SecondsThe time from the pitch reaching the catcher's glove to the subsequent throw reaching the fielder's glove at the intended base on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
Throwing AccuracyFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance between the center of the target base at 3 inches above ground level and path of throw as it crosses the base.
Throw DistanceFielding (C / P / IF / OF)FeetThe distance a thrown ball travels until it is caught or first contacts the ground.
Distance from Ball LandingFielding (OF)FeetThe distance from the outfielder's position at the time the ball lands and the ball's landing position.
Projected Distance from Ball LandingFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance from the fielder's position at the time of bat-on-ball contact and the ball's landing position.
Angle to where the Ball LandedFielding (OF)FeetThe direction between the player's position at the time of bat-on-ball contact and the ball's landing position. The measurement is relative to a straight line from the player's current location to the tip of home plate, and goes clockwise in the positive direction.
Angle to where the Ball was CaughtFielding (OF)FeetThe direction between the player's position at the time of bat-on-ball contact and the position of the ball when first fielded. The measurement is relative to a straight line from the player's current location to the tip of home plate, and goes clockwise in the positive direction.
Start Player PositionFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance between the fielder and the back tip of home plate at pitch release.
End Player PositionFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance between the back tip of home plate and the fielder's position upon the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Start Player AngleFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
DegreesThe angle between the vector from the home plate to 2nd base and the vector from home plate to the fielder's position at pitch release.
End Player AngleFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
DegreesThe angle between the vector from the home plate to 2nd base and the vector from home plate to the fielder's position upon the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Shift ClassificationFielding (IF / OF)StringA categorization of extreme fielder alignments.

See below for full shift definitions .
Fielding ZoneFielding (IF / OF)StringA categorization of fielder responsibility based on the batted ball's location and the hitter's bat side (R/L).

See below for valid fielding zones .
Infielder Out-of-position CodeFielding (IF)StringA value from 0 to 15 indicating which infielders (if any) are designated out-of-position.

See valid codes in appendix below.
Infielder Out-of-position CodeFielding (OF)StringA value from 0 to 7 indicating which outfielders (if any) are designated out-of-position.

See valid codes in appendix below.
Distance Covered BreakdownFielding (OF)JSONAn array of times in which an outfielder traveled a given distance after bat-on-ball contact.
Outfielder Distance to FenceFielding (OF)FeetThe distance an outfielder is from the closest point of the outfield fence at the start of the play.
Sprint SpeedFielding
(IF / OF / P / C)
Feet per secondThe running speed of a player evaluated over the one-second window in which the player covered the largest distance.
Startup TimeFielding (IF / OF)SecondsThe additional time required by the player to reach his top one-second speed, as compared to the time it would have taken to cover the same ground at his top one-second speed.
Total Distance CoveredFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetTotal distance in feet covered by fielder on a play.
Route to Sprint SpeedFielding (IF / OF)DegreesThe angle of the fielder's route between his position at pitch release and his position when he started his fastest one-second window. 0 degrees is straight in to home plate, and +90 is towards the fielder's right.
Exchange DistanceFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between the ball reaching the fielder's glove and the release point of the subsequent throw.
Fielder Burst DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between 1.5 and 3.0 seconds after pitch release.
Fielder Reaction DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder during the first 1.5 seconds after pitch release.
Fielder Routing DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe difference between the total distance covered by the fielder during the first three seconds after pitch release minus the distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Throw Distance with BouncesFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetTotal distance the ball was thrown by a fielder, including bounces.
Intercept Batted BallFielding (IF / OF)CategoryAn array of data about the point of intersection between the player's path and the ball's path (or projected point of intersection if they do not cross)
Fielder Jump DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Catch ProbabilityFielding (OF)Pct (%)The likelihood that a batted ball to the outfield will be caught.
JumpFielding (OF)FeetThe fielder’s jump distance relative to the league average for the given play.

New Metrics (2025)

Spin RatePitchingRPMThe total rate of rotation of the ball during the pitch's flight.
ExtensionPitchingFeetThe distance from the pitching rubber to release point in the y-direction (from rubber to home plate).
Regular SpeedPitchingMPHThe speed of a pitch at release.
Exit VelocityBattingMPHThe speed of a batted ball immediately after bat-on-ball contact.
Launch VectorBattingStringThe initial hit trajectory on the xy-plane, classified into one of five equally divided sections of fair territory: dead pull, pull, straightaway, opposite field, or extreme opposite field.
Launch AngleBattingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial hit trajectory above or below the level xy-plane.
Pitcher ReleasePitchingSecondsThe time from pitcher's first movement to release point of the pitch.
Lead DistanceBaserunningFeetThe distance between the base and the runner’s center of mass position at the time the pitcher goes into windup on pitch or pickoff attempt.
Secondary Lead DistanceBaserunningFeetThe distance between the base and the runner’s center of mass position at any point prior to the pitcher's release of a pitch or pickoff attempt.
Home to FirstBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches first base only on infield events (ground outs, infield singles, etc.).
Extra Bases - Home to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches second base.
Extra Bases - Home to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where batter-as-runner reaches third base.
Extra Bases - 1st to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on first base reaches third base.
Extra Bases - 1st to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on first base reaches home plate.
Extra Bases - 2nd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to point where the runner who started on second base reaches home plate.
Arm StrengthFieldingMPHThe maximum speed of a throw made by a fielder.
First step (stealing)BaserunningSecondsThe time from pitcher's first movement to runner’s first movement towards next base on a steal attempt.
First Step EfficiencyFielding (IF / OF)DegreesThe angle of fielder deviation from a straight line to the ball's landing point. The calculation is based on the direction of the player's movement after three feet (roughly the first stride in a direction).
Distance CoveredFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance covered by a fielder in the time between batted ball contact and the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
(C / P / IF / OF)
SecondsThe time from the ball reaching the fielder's glove to the release point of the subsequent throw.
Pick-Off Steal ExchangeFielding (C)SecondsThe time from the catcher receiving the pitch to releasing the throw on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
Pop TimeFielding (C)SecondsThe time from the pitch reaching the catcher's glove to the subsequent throw reaching the fielder's glove at the intended base on all pick-off throws and steal attempts.
Hang TimeBattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Perceived Pitch VelocityPitchingMPHThe speed of the pitch at release adjusted for the relative amount of time between pitch release and plate crossing.

Perceived velocity (mph) = (1/0.96)(60.5 ft-1.417ft - ) /[( (1.467 ft/sec per mph)]
Home Run TrotBattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to when the batter reaches home plate on a home run.
Hit DistanceBattingFeetThe distance from the tip of home plate to the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Projected Hit DistanceBattingFeetThe projected distance from the tip of home plate to the hypothetical landing point at ground level (z=0) on over-the-fence home runs.
Hit TypeBattingStringTrajectory (grounder, line drive, fly ball, pop up) based on average launch trajectory for all batted balls.
Throwing AccuracyFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance between the center of the target base at 3 inches above ground level and path of throw as it crosses the base.
Time to Next Base - 1st to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the first base runner's arrival at second base on any non-home-run hits.
Time to Next Base - 2nd to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the second base runner's arrival at third base on any non-home-run hits.
Time to Next Base - 3rd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to the third base runner's arrival at home plate on any non-home-run hits.
Throw DistanceFielding (C / P / IF / OF)FeetThe distance a thrown ball travels until it is caught or first contacts the ground.
Max HeightBattingFeetThe measured height (or projected height when not measured) of the batted ball at the apex of the trajectory.
Base Steal Time - 1st to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from first movement of the pitcher to when the first base runner reaches second on a steal attempt.
Base Steal Time - 2nd to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from first movement of the pitcher to when the second base runner reaches third on a steal attempt.
Base Steal Time - 3rd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from first movement of the pitcher to when the third base runner reaches home on a steal attempt.
Pitching PositionPitchingStringThe position the pitcher is using when making a pitch (windup or stretch).
Estimated Generated VelocityBattingMPHAn estimate of the amount of a hit's exit velocity was generated by the force imparted on the ball by the batter's swing.
Estimated Swing SpeedBatting MPHAn estimate of the speed of the bat at bat-on-ball contact based on the incoming pitch speed and the outgoing exit velocity.
Hit Travel TimeBattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact to contact by a fielder on any batted ball.
Hit Travel DistanceBattingFeetThe distance covered by the ball from bat-on-ball contact to contact by a fielder on any batted ball.
Distance from Ball LandingFielding (OF)FeetThe distance from the outfielder's position at the time the ball lands and the ball's landing position.
Projected Distance from Ball LandingFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance from the fielder's position at the time of bat-on-ball contact and the ball's landing position.
Angle to where the Ball LandedFielding (OF)FeetThe direction between the player's position at the time of bat-on-ball contact and the ball's landing position. The measurement is relative to a straight line from the player's current location to the tip of home plate, and goes clockwise in the positive direction.
Angle to where the Ball was CaughtFielding (OF)DegreesThe direction between the player's position at the time of bat-on-ball contact and the position of the ball when first fielded. The measurement is relative to a straight line from the player's current location to the tip of home plate, and goes clockwise in the positive direction.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups - 1st to 2ndBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the first base runner's arrival at second base after a tag up.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups - 2nd to 3rdBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the second base runner's arrival at third base after a tag up.
Time to Next Base on Tag Ups - 3rd to HomeBaserunningSecondsThe time from a fielder's catch and the third base runner's arrival at home after a tag up.
First Step on Tag UpsBaserunningSecondsThe time from the fielder's catch to the runner's first movement towards next base after a tag up.
Start Player PositionFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance between the fielder and the back tip of home plate at pitch release.
End Player PositionFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance between the back tip of home plate and the fielder's position upon the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Start Player AngleFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
DegreesThe angle between the vector from the home plate to 2nd base and the vector from home plate to the fielder's position at pitch release.
End Player AngleFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
DegreesThe angle between the vector from the home plate to 2nd base and the vector from home plate to the fielder's position upon the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Hit Spin RateBatting RPMThe total rate of rotation of the batted ball immediately after contact.
Spin AnglePitchingDegreesThe angle that describes the active spin
axis of the pitched ball, which lies in the plane transverse to the ball's velocity and it reflects how the spin will influence the ball trajectory.

Pure back-spin is 180 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 1B side is 90 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 3B side is 270 degrees, and pure top-spin is 0 or 360 degrees.
Hit Spin AngleBattingDegreesThe angle that describes the active spin axis of the batted ball, which lies in the plane transverse to the ball's velocity and it reflects how the spin will influence the ball trajectory.

Pure back-spin is 180 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 1B side is 90 degrees, pure side-spin that pulls the ball to the 3B side is 270 degrees, and pure top-spin is 0 or 360 degrees
Shift ClassificationFielding (IF / OF)StringA categorization of extreme fielder alignments.

See below for full shift definitions.
Fielding ZoneFielding (IF / OF)StringA categorization of fielder responsibility based on the batted ball's location and the hitter's bat side (R/L).

See below for valid fielding zones.
Infielder Out-of-position CodeFielding (IF)StringA value from 0 to 15 indicating which infielders (if any) are designated out-of-position.

See valid codes in appendix below.
Infielder Out-of-position CodeFielding (OF)StringA value from 0 to 7 indicating which outfielders (if any) are designated out-of-position.

See valid codes in appendix below.
Distance from Base on ThrowBaserunningFeetThe distance the baserunner is from the next base when the ball is caught at that base for a force out.
Barreled BallBattingStringThe classification assigned to a batted ball when comparable batted balls (in terms of exit velocity and launch angle) have historically led to a minimum .500 batting average and 1.500 slugging percentage.
Distance Covered BreakdownFielding (OF)JSONAn array of times in which an outfielder traveled a given distance after bat-on-ball contact.
Outfielder Distance to FenceFielding (OF)FeetThe distance an outfielder is from the closest point of the outfield fence at the start of the play.
Hit TrajectoryBattingJSONThe position of the ball from the bat-on-ball contact in 0.5-second intervals until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Projected Distance From Ball Crossing FenceFielding (OF)FeetThe distance from the nearest fielder to the ball at the point that the ball crosses or hits the fence.
Sprint SpeedFielding
(IF / OF / P / C)

Feet per secondThe running speed of a player evaluated over the one-second window in which the player covered the largest distance.
Startup TimeFielding (IF / OF)SecondsThe additional time required by the player to reach his top one-second speed, as compared to the time it would have taken to cover the same ground at his top one-second speed.
Baserunner MarkersBaserunningJSONAn array of a baserunner's positions at various points throughout the play.
Spin Axis OctantsBattingStringA categorization of the orientation of the batted ball's revolutions.
Speed in the Last SecondsBaserunningJSONAn array listing the baserunner's average speed over multiple intervals of the last N seconds before reaching the next base.
Total Distance CoveredFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetTotal distance in feet covered by fielder on a play.
Batted Ball Travel Time (_z0)Batting SecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until its return to ground level (z = 0).
Batted Ball Travel Time (_z8)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until its return to eight feet above ground level (z = 8).
Batted Ball Travel Time (_zi)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Batted Ball Travel Time (_zf)BattingSecondsThe time from bat-on-ball contact until the batted ball is fielded or otherwise comes to a stop.
Opportunity Time (_z0)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release to the batted ball's return to ground level (z = 0).
Opportunity Time (_z8)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release until the batted ball's return to eight feet above ground level (z = 8).
Opportunity Time (_zi)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Opportunity Time (_zi)BattingSecondsThe time from pitch release until the batted ball's first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Plate Time (_y0)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until the pitched ball is projected to reach the back tip of home plate (the y = 0 plane).
Plate Time (_y17)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until the ball is projected to reach the front on home plate (the y = 17 inches plane).
Plate Time (_yi)PitchingSecondsTime from pitch release until bat-on-ball contact.
Projected Landing PositionBattingJSONThe point on the batted ball's trajectory corresponding to ground level (z = 0).
Distance to Catcher's MittPitchingFeetThe distance from the mitt position (estimated as the catcher's center-of-mass position at pitch release plus 2 feet in the positive y and z directions) to the point on the pitch's trajectory where it crosses the mitt position y and z coordinates.
Route to Sprint SpeedFielding (IF / OF)DegreesThe angle of the fielder's route between his position at pitch release and his position when he started his fastest one-second window. 0 degrees is straight in to home plate, and +90 is towards the fielder's right.
Vertical BreakPitchingFeetThe vertical (z) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front of home plate if it had moved on a straight line following its release trajectory.
Vertical Break InducedPitchingFeetThe vertical (z) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front plate if it had continued on its release trajectory with only the force of gravity acting upon it.
Horizontal BreakPitchingFeetThe horizontal (x) distance between the position of the pitched ball at the front of home plate and the position the ball would have crossed at the front of home plate if it had moved on a straight line following its release trajectory.
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_z0)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to the batted ball's position upon its return to ground level (z = 0).
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_z8)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to the ball's position upon its return to eight feet above ground level (z = 8)
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_zi)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to its position at first contact with the ground, wall, or a fielder.
Batted Ball Travel Distance (_zf)BattingFeetThe distance from the ball's position at bat-on-ball contact to its positoin when the ball is fielded or otherwise comes to a stop.
Exchange DistanceFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between the ball reaching the fielder's glove and the release point of the subsequent throw.
Plate SpeedPitchingMPHThe speed of the ball as it crosses the front of home plate.
Pitch Launch DirectionPitchingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial pitch trajectory to the left or the right of the level yz-plane.
Pitch Launch AnglePitchingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial pitch trajectory above or below the level xy-plane.
Hit Launch DirectionBattingDegreesThe angle formed by the initial hit trajectory to the left or the right of the level yz-plane.
Ball Height at the FenceBattingFeetThe height of the ball as it crosses the vertical plane of the fence.
Projected Distance of Ball From FenceBattingFeetThe straight line distance between the projected landing position of the batted ball and the top of the fence at the same bearing.
Time out of Batters BoxBaserunningFeetThe time from bat-on-ball contact to when the batter exits the batter's box.
Wall Ball ClassificationBattingFeetA classification of a batted ball's projected contact with an outfield wall, either Unplayable (more than eight feet up on the wall) or Playable (less than eight feet up on the wall or within eight feet short of the base of the wall).
Key StepBaserunningSecondsThe time it takes for the batter to cover the first three feet towards first base.
BurstBaserunningFeetThe distance covered by the batter during the first 1.5 seconds after the first three feet towards first are completed.
Revolutions Hand To PlatePitchingRevolutionsThe number of revolutions of the ball between the pitcher's release point and when it crosses the front of home plate.
Inferred Backspin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the horizontal axis (in the same orientation of a line between 1st and 3rd).
Inferred Sidespin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the vertical axis.
Inferred Gyrospin RatePitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball about the direction it is moving.
Relative Strike Zone LocationPitchingInchesThe distance between the location of the ball as it crosses home plate and the center of the strike zone.
Fielder Burst DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder between 1.5 and 3.0 seconds after pitch release.
Fielder Reaction DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance covered by the fielder during the first 1.5 seconds after pitch release.
Fielder Routing DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe difference between the total distance covered by the fielder during the first three seconds after pitch release minus the distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Relative Strike Zone Location XPitchingPct (%)The ratio of the distance (in the horizontal direction) between the location of the ball as it crosses home plate and the center of the strike zone, divided by the horizontal edge of the strike zone. -100% would be a ball that crosses at the left edge of the zone, 0% would be a ball that crosses over the center, 100% would be a ball that crosses at the right edge of the zone.
Relative Strike Zone Location ZPitchingPct (%)The ratio of the distance (in the vertical direction) of the ball from the center of the batter's relative strike zone as it crosses it divided by the vertical edge of the strike zone. -100% would be a ball that crosses at the bottom of the zone, 0% would be a ball that crosses over the center, 100% would be a ball that crosses at top of the zone.
Attack ZonesPitchingCategoryThe categorical zone of the pitch's location at plate crossing based on the distance between its position at the front of home plate and the center of the batter's relative strike zone. These zones (from closest to farthest) are Heart Of Plate, Shadow Zone, Chase Zone, or OZone.
Throw Distance with BouncesFielding
(C / P / IF / OF)
FeetTotal distance the ball was thrown by a fielder, including bounces.
Intercept Batted BallFielding (IF / OF)CategoryAn array of data about the point of intersection between the player's path and the ball's path (or projected point of intersection if they do not cross)
Hit Tracking PercentageBattingPct (%)The ratio of the last measured distance of the batted ball to the projected landing distance.
Fielder Jump DistanceFielding (IF / OF)FeetThe distance between where the fielder was at pitch release and where he was three seconds later.
Plate Location XPitchingFeetLocation of the pitched ball at the front of home plate in the horizontal plane, negative values are toward third base, positive values toward first base.
Plate Location ZPitchingFeetLocation of the pitched ball at the front of home plate in the vertical plane, with 0 being the back tip of home plate and positive numbers in the upward direction.
Hit Landing BearingBattingDegreesAngle between home plate and where the ball landed.
Active Spin AnglePitchingDegreesThe calculated spin angle of the pitched ball based off its measured sidespin and backspin.

The formula is DEGREES(ATAN2(backspin,-sidespin))+18 0.
BackspinPitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the horizontal axis (in the same orientation of a line between 1st and 3rd).
SidespinPitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball around the vertical axis.
GyrospinPitchingRPMThe rate of rotation of the pitched ball about the direction it is moving.
Attack AngleBattingDegreesThe angle of the bat’s path, at impact, relative to horizontal. A negative value represents swinging downward, a positive value upward.
Bat SpeedBattingMPHThe speed of the sweet spot right before contact.
Distance from Sweet SpotBattingInchesDistance of the shortest straight line from the ball's impact point to the sweet spot's edge.

Sweet spot is defined by an oval of the equation 0.18(x+0.844)^2 + 13.97(y)^2 = 1, where x is the axial offset, y is the radial offset, and x=0, y=0 is the sweet spot given by Hawk-Eye. Impact points within the sweet spot oval have a value of 0.
SwordBattingBooleanIdentifies a swing and miss as a “sword” when the bat tracking data meets a set of criteria that indicate a slow and incomplete swing.

A swing event will qualify as a sword (metric_value = “1”) if all of the below are true:

1. Is a swinging strike and no contact is made.
2. The maximum swing speed is in the 10th percentile of all swing speeds.
3. The bat speed falls below 20 mph in any of the final 10 frames collected (swing incomplete).
4. The bat head does not return back through the y=2 ft plane (swing incomplete).
Swing LengthBattingFeetThe swing length for any tracked swing. Swing length is the total distance traveled by the bat sweet spot across all tracked frames prior to impact time and is reported in feet.
Catch ProbabilityFielding (OF)Pct (%)The likelihood that a batted ball to the outfield will be caught.
Hit ProbabilityBattingPct (%)The likelihood that a batted ball will be a hit.
Intended Pitch LocationPitchingFeetAn approximation of the position of the catcher’s mitt at the time of pitch release, estimated as the catcher's center-of-mass position at pitch release plus 2 feet in the positive y and z directions.
Home Run in X BallparksBattingNumberThe number of parks that the batted ball would have been a homerun.
JumpFielding (OF)FeetThe fielder’s jump distance relative to the league average for the given play.
Expected SluggingBattingPct (%)Expected number of total bases for this batted ball, based on the probability of each event (single, double, triple home run) occurring given the batted ball’s exit velocity, launch angle and, on certain types of batted balls, Sprint Speed.
Expected wOBABattingPct (%)Expected weighted on base average for this batted ball, based on the adjusted run expectancy of each batting event (single, double, triple, home run) times the probability of each event occurring given the batted ball’s exit velocity, launch angle and, on certain types of batted balls, Sprint Speed.

Shift Classification Values

Extreme shifts are classified as follows (all definitions disregard pitchers and catchers, whose starting positions are fixed):

5th infielderThere are more than 4 fielders within 160 feet of home plate.
extreme infield shiftThere are 4 fielders to the right side of the 2B bag within 260 feet from home plate
infield shiftThere are 3 infielders to either side of the 2B bag within 260 feet from home plate.
4th outfielderThere are more than 3 fielders at least 260 feet from home plate.
extreme outfield shiftThere are 3 fielders to either side of the 2B bag, and 0 fielders to the other side, all at least 260 feet from home plate.

Fielding Zone Values

1B-2B holeLF GapStandard
2B spotLF spotStandard Back
2B-P holeLineStandard Holding Runner
BackMiddle to LeftStandard In
CF roverMiddle to RightStandard Left
CF spotRF GapStandard Right
DeepRF roverInfield
GapRF spotOutfield
Guarding LineRight side
InSS spot
Left sideSS-P hole

Infielder Out-of-position Codes

ValueOut of Position Infielders
0No fielders out of position
31B and 2B
51B and 3B
62B and 3B
71B, 2B, 3B
9SS and 1B
10SS and 2B
111B, 2B, SS
12SS and 3B
131B, SS, 3B
142B, SS, 3B
151B, 2B, SS, 3B

Outfielder Out-of-position Codes

ValueOut of Position Outfielders
0No fielders out of position
3LF and CF