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MLB API - Mound Visits, Reviews, & Delay Duration

We have made a few updates to account for mound visits, reviews, and delays in MLB games. Game endpoints will now feature the below data points.

  • Game Delay Duration (game.delay_duration)
    • Duration of a game delay in hours and minutes (ex. 0:18)
  • Home/Away Mound Visits Used (mound_visits.home.used or mound_visits.away.used)
    • Number of used mound visits for the home/away team
  • Home/Away Mound Visits Remaining (mound_visits.home.remaining or mound_visits.away.remaining)
    • Number of remaining mound visits for the home/away team
  • Home/Away Reviews Used (reviews.home.used or reviews.away.used)
    • Number of used reviews for the home/away team
  • Home/Away Reviews Remaining (reviews.home.used or reviews.away.used)
    • Number of remaining reviews for the home/away team

☑️ Sample Requests:

Game Play-by-Play -{game_id}/pbp.json?api_key=[API_KEY]

Game Summary -{game_id}/summary.json?api_key=[API_KEY]

🔢 Version

🔁 Endpoints Affected

Game Boxscore, Game Extended Summary, Game Pitch Metrics*, Game Play-by-Play, Game Summary

* does not include delay_duration

⚙️ Return Samples

      "name":"Progressive Field",
      "address":"2401 Ontario Street",
<game xmlns="" id="f6397a7e-5133-4481-b586-41dffca91b0f" 
  status="complete" coverage="full" game_number="1" day_night="D" scheduled="2024-10-07T20:08:00+00:00" 
  home_team="80715d0d-0d2a-450f-a970-1b9a3b18c7e7" away_team="575c19b7-4052-41c2-9f0a-1c5813d02f99" 
  ps_round="ALDS" ps_game="2" attendance="33650" duration="2:42" season_id="f23888ed-6ca7-45bf-99e1-24b7393f540c" 
  season_type="PST" season_year="2024" double_header="false" entry_mode="STOMP" reference="775325" 
    <home used="3" remaining="1"/>
    <away used="1" remaining="3"/>
    <home used="0" remaining="1"/>
    <away used="1" remaining="0"/>
  <time_zones venue="US/Eastern" home="US/Eastern" away="US/Eastern"/>
  <venue name="Progressive Field" market="Cleveland" capacity="34788" surface="grass" address="2401 Ontario Street" city="Cleveland" state="OH" zip="44115" country="USA" id="2b0ccd49-4d87-4996-ac4d-27ffc7ee4c16" field_orientation="N" stadium_type="outdoor" time_zone="US/Eastern">
    <location lat="41.4957048" lng="-81.6852732"/>
    <broadcast network="Max" type="Internet" locale="National"/>
    <broadcast network="truTV" type="TV" locale="National" channel="246"/>
    <broadcast network="TBS" type="TV" locale="National" channel="247"/>
    <forecast temp_f="62" condition="Partly cloudy" humidity="48" dew_point_f="42" cloud_cover="50" obs_time="2025-01-24T19:42:38.000+00:00">
      <wind speed_mph="16" direction="NW"/>
    <current_conditions temp_f="61" condition="Sunny" humidity="54" dew_point_f="44" cloud_cover="0" obs_time="2025-01-24T19:44:56.000+00:00">
      <wind speed_mph="7" direction="W"/>
  <final inning="9" inning_half="B"/>