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Formula 1 API - Stage Statuses

We've added a handful of possible stage statuses at the event level.

Below are the new values, to be used to better capture the states of live events. Click here to see the entire list of statuses and substatuses, and their definitions.

Stage Status

  • Grid must be cleared - The stage needs personnel to leave the track

Stage Sub Status

  • Abandoned - The event is no longer scheduled to occur
  • Accident - An accident has occurred on the track
  • Bad track conditions - Track officials have deemed the track in poor condition, which can lead to lower speeds
  • Confirmed results - Event results have been validated
  • Last lap - The event is in the final lap
  • Preliminary results - The event results are in, but are yet to be validated
  • Sector - There is a possible issue (e.g., yellow flag) in a specific sector of the track
  • Unknown - The event is in an undefined status

☑️ Sample Request:

Stage Summary -{stage_id}/summary.json?api_key=[API_KEY]

🔢 Versions

🔁 Endpoints Affected

Stage Schedule, Stage Summary

⚙️ Return Sample

  <stage id="sr:stage:1111295" description="Practice 1" scheduled="2024-07-26T11:30:00+00:00" scheduled_end="2024-07-26T12:30:00+00:00" type="practice" status="Closed" single_event="false"/>
  <stage id="sr:stage:1111297" description="Practice 2" scheduled="2024-07-26T15:00:00+00:00" scheduled_end="2024-07-26T16:00:00+00:00" type="practice" status="Closed" single_event="false"/>
  <stage id="sr:stage:1111299" description="Practice 3" scheduled="2024-07-27T10:30:00+00:00" scheduled_end="2024-07-27T11:30:00+00:00" type="practice" status="Closed" single_event="false"/>
  <stage id="sr:stage:1111301" description="Qualification" scheduled="2024-07-27T14:00:00+00:00" scheduled_end="2024-07-27T15:00:00+00:00" type="qualifying" status="Closed" air_temperature="18" track_temperature="22" humidity="94" weather="Rainy" single_event="false"/>
  <stage id="sr:stage:1111379" description="Race" scheduled="2024-07-28T13:00:00+00:00" scheduled_end="2024-07-28T15:00:00+00:00" type="race" status="Closed" laps="44" laps_completed="44" air_temperature="21" track_temperature="42" humidity="46" weather="Sunny" substatus="All laps completed" pit_open="true" single_event="false"/>