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Formula 1 API - Live Race Data Points

We've added two live race data points to the Stage Summary endpoint.

Use these fields to get real-time insights on the position of drivers in a race, with timing on each driver's gap to the leader and their interval to the closest driver. Each attribute is available for Practice, Sprint Qualifying Sub stages (SQ1/2/3), Qualification Sub stages (Q1/2/3), Sprint, and Race stages.

  • gap_to_leader - The time difference between a driver and the race leader (ex. +4.464 or 12L)
  • interval_to_position_ahead - The time difference between a driver and the driver one position ahead (ex. +0.186)

☑️ Sample Request:

Stage Summary -{stage_id}/summary.json?api_key=[API_KEY]

🔢 Versions

🔁 Endpoints Affected

Stage Summary

⚙️ Return Sample

  <competitor id="sr:competitor:495898" name="Norris, Lando" abbreviation="NOR" gender="male" nationality="Great Britain" country_code="GBR">
    <team id="sr:competitor:4514" name="McLaren" gender="male" nationality="England" country_code="ENG"/>
    <result points="25" fastest_lap_time="1:22.167" gap_to_leader="+4.464" interval_to_position_ahead="+0.463" laps="57" position="1" grid="1" pitstop_count="5" status="Finished" substatus="Unknown" lapsled="54" time="1:42:06.304" car_number="4"/>
  <competitor id="sr:competitor:178318" name="Verstappen, Max" abbreviation="VER" gender="male" nationality="Netherlands" country_code="NLD">
    <team id="sr:competitor:4978" name="Red Bull Racing" gender="male" nationality="Austria" country_code="AUT"/>
    <result points="18" fastest_lap_time="1:23.081" gap_to_leader="+0.895" interval_to_position_ahead="+0.895" laps="57" position="2" grid="3" pitstop_count="5" status="Finished" substatus="Unknown" lapsled="2" time="+0.895" car_number="1"/>
"competitors": [
    "id": "sr:competitor:495898",
    "name": "Norris, Lando",
    "abbreviation": "NOR",
    "gender": "male",
    "nationality": "Great Britain",
    "country_code": "GBR",
    "team": {
      "id": "sr:competitor:4514",
      "name": "McLaren",
      "gender": "male",
      "nationality": "England",
      "country_code": "ENG"
    "result": {
      "points": 25,
      "fastest_lap_time": "1:22.167",
      "gap_to_leader": "+4.464",
      "interval_to_position_ahead": "+0.463",
      "laps": 57,
      "position": 1,
      "grid": 1,
      "pitstop_count": 5,
      "status": "Finished",
      "substatus": "Unknown",
      "lapsled": 54,
      "time": "1:42:06.304",
      "car_number": 4
    "id": "sr:competitor:178318",
    "name": "Verstappen, Max",
    "abbreviation": "VER",
    "gender": "male",
    "nationality": "Netherlands",
    "country_code": "NLD",
    "team": {
      "id": "sr:competitor:4978",
      "name": "Red Bull Racing",
      "gender": "male",
      "nationality": "Austria",
      "country_code": "AUT"
    "result": {
      "points": 18,
      "fastest_lap_time": "1:23.081",
      "gap_to_leader": "+0.895",
      "interval_to_position_ahead": "+0.895",
      "laps": 57,
      "position": 2,
      "grid": 3,
      "pitstop_count": 5,
      "status": "Finished",
      "substatus": "Unknown",
      "lapsled": 2,
      "time": "+0.895",
      "car_number": 1