Release Log
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Release Log

Football APIs

Broadcast Info & Time Zones

Release DateFeeds AffectedBenefit
07/11/2024Current Season Schedule

Current Week Schedule

Game Boxscore

Game Roster

Game Statistics


Season Schedule

Weekly Schedule
We've added broadcast and time_zone info for all Season and Game endpoints.

Each game will include the following broadcast info (when applicable): Internet Stream, Network, Radio Station, Satellite Station

Each game will include the following time zone info: Away team time zone, Home team time zone, Venue time zone

See below for sample data.
"time_zones": {
           "venue": "US/Pacific",
           "home": "US/Pacific",
           "away": "US/Central"
"broadcast": {
            "network": "CBS",
            "satellite": "ESPN Ocho",
            "internet": "ESPN+",
            "radio": "Sirius 134, XM 231"

Update applies to: NFL v7, NCAAFB v7, UFL v7